Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A to Z Challenge Day 3 - The Letter C

Here we are, day three of the A to Z Challenge, with my theme being Remembering.

Today my Remember is Cards in Bicycle Spokes.  What child of the 50's didn't attach cards to their bicycle spokes for the cool factor?

We lived on a cul-de-sac where children spent their summer days playing in the street.  You heard me right.  Playing in the street.  It was a much simpler time.  There were fewer cars since it was rare for a family to own more than one, so traffic wasn't an issue on our quiet little street.   I'll have to admit that we were a bit more restricted in our activities than the other neighborhood children, but we did get to play some.  One of my favorite memories is of hopping on my bicycle and peddling as fast as I could to the top of the hill, then back down even faster with the sound clicking in my ears of playing cards attached to the spokes with a clothes pin.  Some of the kids used baseball cards, which seemed to make a much louder clicking sound and increased the cool factor exponentially.

So this memory is about summer, ice cold cool aid, and bicycle cards!  There were no video games, television shows, or computers to distract us and keep us inside.  Things weren't always easy growing up, but in so many ways they really were the good old days.

My choices for tomorrow are: Dime Stores, Drive-In Theaters, Dick and Jane, or Dolls


Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Oh My Gosh, I forgot all about those cards. We did that too. Buchanan Street was full of card noise. We even rode to Riverside park with them.

dime Store - that's a good thing, cause I worked at T. g. & Y.

Fun times!

Megan said...

I've never heard of this before, but it's so cool. I lived in a neighborhood like yours, though. We were always outside riding our bikes, playing wiffle ball, etc. I miss those days!

Parsley said...

Oh this is a fun memory! We were riding our bikes in the country and no one heard our awesomeness. ha!

Intense Guy said...

Ah I 'member doin' dat!!

I felt so cool (for a few minutes) and lots less nerdy!

jewelzmomof4 said...

Even Greg, Tessa and I did that :) Of course no one else heard how cool we were because we had no neighbors within ear a kid i hated not having neighbors and thought the kids in the city were so lucky!!!! As an adult I would give ANYTHING to not have neighbors!!!! I want the country back so bad!!!!

Parsley said...

Follow you now :)

Margo Kelly said...

Your posts simply make me happy. :) I had to come back today. LOVE IT. :)

Spanj said...

I grew up in the 80s, by which stage they had started making clackers in plastic - usually given away free in cereals. I grew up as 1 of 4 kids so we had to eat a heck of a lot of cereal for all of us to get one!

Paula Martin said...

Happy days - when we used to play out all day! I longed for a bike vbut was never allowed to have one, because we lived on a busy road :-(

thelmaz said...

Those were the good ol' days, right?

martine said...

I grew up in the 70s, we played in the street to, but then so did my children back in the mid 90s!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What a fun memory! I'd forgotten about the cards, but we did that too. It was kind of hard bike riding in the country without pavement. I preferred riding horses!

Jessica Topper said...

Wow, we did that in the 70s too...but I had forgotten all about them! Playing cards, but I think trading cards were popular to place in the spokes as well.

Unknown said...

we didn't have cool aid, but the rest sounds oh so familiar. Being able to play outside, cycling up and down the streets, jumping neighbours paths pretending we were racehorses. I like your posts and I'm coming back for more.

AliceKay said...

I used to ride around on my bike with cards in the spokes, too. Made it sound like your bike has a "motor" so that was pretty cool. :) I spent most of my time outside when I was a kid.

Nice memories, Deanna. :)

ChicagoLady said...

As much time as I spent riding a bike, I never put a card in the spokes. And I don't really recall any of my friends doing it either. Not really sure why...