Sunday, November 2, 2014

Funny Little Grin

Last summer we lost a woman who had been a part of my life as long as Jim has.  She welcomed me into her home with open arms and nicknamed me Nanna.  She offered me my first "high ball" - and I accepted it because I didn't even know what it was.  Families often have their "characters" - the one that everyone delights in telling stories about.  My mother-in-law was that person.  She was proud of her nickname "Hawkie" and delighted in telling everyone that it was because she had the eyes of a hawk.  The flip side of the coin is that she had a hawk nose....  either way, she was Hawkie and proud of it.

After many years of enduring the horrendous disease of Alzheimer's, she passed away last summer.  We all miss her so much.  We couldn't resist the temptation to memorialize her on her memorial bulletin in a way that described her best:  "She drank like a Sailor, cussed like a Sailor, married a Sailor.... Sail on!"

Jim wrote and recorded a song that captures Evelyn's last few years perfectly.  I hope you enjoy it.

Rest in peace Hawkie.


betty said...

Jim has a nice singing voice! What a tribute to his mother. I would have liked to have known Hawkie. I am so sorry for your family's loss.


ChicagoLady said...

What a beautiful tribute to Jim's mom. So...what did you think of your first highball?

Intense Guy said...

A beautiful tribute to a wonderful woman -

Jim sings nicely - were you playing your mandolin? :)

Vicki Lane said...

A lovely tribute. You were fortunate to have had such a great MIL.

AliceKay said...

Beautiful tribute and a beautiful song.