Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Talking turkey

As most of you know, we live in the middle of the woods.  Wildlife is a way of life.  Just the way we like it.  Last week Jim told me about seeing over 20 wild turkeys strolling down our drive.  That is way cool - but why don't I ever get to see these things?  And where are the photos to back up his claim?

Fast forward a week.   Yesterday Jim was looking out the window and yelled for me to come look.  He was counting as I ran into the kitchen.  Sure enough we had a parade.  Single file those turkeys strutted down our drive.  They walked out of the woods like they were in a beauty pagent walking out on a runway.  It was one of the greatest sights to see.  I have to rely on Jim's expert eye that we had a Tom and Hens and babies.... I just know they were turkeys and we counted at least 30.

And now I know why he didn't have photos to prove it... there was no time to grab a camera.  So you will have to do what I did.... trust me!


ChicagoLady said...

I'll say the same thing I say to my ant when she claims to have a Peregrine Falcon on her balcony. "I don't believe you. Where's the picture of it?" LOL

betty said...

Trusting you! It did seem like an awesome sight to see!


LadyStyx said...

Definitely a Shouldabeenakodak moment! Now that you know they show up there, maybe it's time to start leaving a camera in arm's reach?

Stephanie Faris said...

We live down a peninsula and wildlife abound out here! I heard at certain times of the year, you'll even see a parade of turtles crossing the road. If that happens, I'll probably just turn around and go home because that road will be blocked for a while!

Intense Guy said...

It is nearly almost kind of sort of about time to start to think about that annual end of November turkey din-din!

Vicki Lane said...

They are a wonderful sight, aren't they? Ours have gotten far less skittish about people -- not tame but sometimes they'll stay around for a picture.

AliceKay said...

There are a few hens in the fields by us, and they all had a bunch of little ones this year. I haven't been able to see much of them lately because the hay fields are getting high (and ready to cut) again, but I know they're there. Turkeys travel at a pretty good clip. I can just imagine seeing them strutting by your house. :)