Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Wild Blue

Yesterday was a hazy, overcast, but yet mostly blue skies day.  It was our 41st Anniversary.  Happy Anniversary Jim.  You are the best ever and I love you.

We spent the day doing what we like to do best - enjoying the grand kids.  At the end of the day we were too pooped to even uncork a bottle of wine!

Life has been hectic for all of our families.  Jim and I plop down in our easy chairs at night wondering what happened to the day.  Our kids and their families are consumed by summer activities of ball, ball, and more ball!  So when we were finally able to carve out an evening and a day to celebrate birthdays from April and May for James and Austin, we took it.

Time for another plane ride!  Ever since we took Dakota last year, it has been our mission to get any of the grands, who  have not yet experienced the blue skies from above, into the air.

Follow the leader

Anna Rose, the designated photographer, and birthday boys, Austin and James

Did I mention that it was mostly a hazy day?

Anna said the boys got the most excited when the pilot buzzed not one, but two Wal Marts.  Really kids?

 They flew over Austin's house, which is close to his school.  He thought it was so cool that he saw his school, but when I asked him if he saw his house, he said, "I forgot to look".  

Austin, all confidence, in the co-pilot seat.  

James' turn in the co-pilot seat.  He said he was OK with pulling the plane up but was a little scared of  tilting it back down.  It might crash, you know.

James looked at me like I was crazy when I asked why he had on his Superman shirt... 

After working up an appetite, we headed over to a park area next to the Katy Trail for a picnic lunch and a little play time.
After about the 50th time, I lost track of how many times I said, "Tie your shoe James"

Anna is still flying. and so are we, after an awesome day with three of our favorite little people.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Barn Charm Tuesday

I am once again joining in with Tricia at Bluff Area Daily  and all of the other barn lovers for Barn Charm Tuesday.

Great things happen when two friends come together.  They get to catch up on each other's lives, give help where help is needed, spend a little time visiting with family, share a meal or two, and do a little sight seeing of the country side.  An email from my Pennsylvania blog friend, Alice Kay (sorry, no link to this private blog), described just such a wonderful weekend when she and my other Pennsylvania blog friend, Iggy, got together.

The good thing is that I know for a  fact that I was in their thoughts as they enjoyed visiting with each other, because they took barn pictures!

 I usually try to crop out a lot of the surrounding area and focus on the barn.  But in this case, I just couldn't do that.  I love the long shadows cast by the trees and the hills in the background.  Isn't this a beautiful setting for a beautiful barn?

Cropping in tightly blurred the quilt blocks, but I had to post it anyway.  Look how gorgeous it is?  This barn makes me want to put my paper crafts away for awhile (almost) and get back to material crafting.  Why oh why are there so few hours in a day, making me choose one passion over another?

Thank you Alice Kay for sending me this barn picture and sharing what a wonderful time you and Iggy and Terri (her hubby) had.  I only wish I could have joined you!

How about it folks, don't we want to see more Pennsylvania Barns from Iggy and Alice Kay?