Saturday, September 7, 2019

There’s no place like home

TUESDAY, September 3, day 44

Our host at this Small Towne RV Park is quite the character.  The owner is a skinny middle age dude with a long scraggly beard.  The park is surrounded by collapsing buildings and there are only 8 or so sites on weedy gravel.  No bathrooms or showers.  Yet, I think he thought he was operating a five star operation.   He seemed truly offended when we declined the outside rug he offered - told us it came with the site, so we used it.  Each site had its own scented bag lined trash can.  When we exited the trailer in the morning we were greeted with a copy of the local newspaper on our doorstep.  Really, I can’t make this stuff up.

It was difficult and a shame to pass historic site and national park sign after sign, but we made each other put our blinders on.  We are on a mission.  I was amazed at the great number of oil rigs we saw as we sped through North Dakota.

WEDNESDAY, September 4, day 45

Today we traveled through South Dakota and Minnesota and finally called it a night at the Flying Goose RV Park in Palmer MN.  What a beautiful park on a private lake.  It would not have taken much to convince me to stay put and rest there for a few nights!

THURSDAY, September 5, day 46

On the road, listening to John Grisham’s book, The Racketeer (really, really good) - heading to Wisconsin to visit our friends Dennis and Kris.  It was so good to see them and catch up on each other’s lives over the best apple pie ever (every bit as good as the one she made the last time we visited!). Kris made killer brats, potato salad and beans for supper.  The perfect dinner for travel weary guests.  I pooped out halfway through the Packers game and we headed to bed.  The end game is in sight.

FRIDAY, September 6, day 47

One last visit over coffee and cinnamon rolls (I made Kris promised not to make breakfast) and we were on the road again.  Home.  We were so happy to make it to Hannibal, MO.  Only a few hours left.   The place looked really good to us.  Greg mowed the grass just the day before and it looked like a park along the road and pond.  We can’t thank him enough for taking care of things while we were gone.

A little bit about Sadie Jo.  She does not mess in the house ever.  Well, almost ever.  Unless she wants to get a point across.  You know, just let us know she is not pleased with us.  When we first embarked on this adventure she pooped on the trailer floor the first few nights.  Then when she felt she had gotten her point across, she never had another “accident”.  She was so excited to get home!  She happily ran around and around.  Then the moment we turned our backs, she pooped in the middle of the kitchen floor, then sat prettily next to it until we noticed.   Nice welcome home present Sadie.

Thanks for joining us on this adventure.  It is one we will never forget.  Dang it feels good to be home!  How many miles did we drive you ask?  Only 12,295...


betty said...

That was a lot of miles! And what an adventures. Enjoyed it all! They did build an oil refinery in North Dakota and it changed the town of Billings, Montana where we lived for 8 years as a result with so many people coming up to the area to work. My friends who still live up there say it is a whole different town (and not for the better).

Sadie Jo is cute! Maybe she did that to remark her territory?


Deanna said...

I can imagine bringing so many people in would change a town tremendously. It was around Billings, MT that we noticed a lot of oil activity. I think you may be right about Sadie remarking her territory. She hasn’t done it since, so we are good!