Monday, November 19, 2007


For over 30 years I worked for state government, starting out as a clerk and ending in management. Always striving for more... more status, more responsibility, more space and of course MORE MONEY, lol. There were times when I really liked what I was doing but had to move on for the "more". Now I've been "retired" for five years and have the chance to do what I want to do. For the first year of retirement I played. Then I got cancer and was diagnosed with Lupus and spent over a year pretending I was OK even though I wasn't. I still pretend some about the Lupus (nobody likes a whiner). Now I keep busy, busy, busy! I take care of the grandkids when my kids need a get-away or just need a helping hand. I still have more hobbies than it is possible to handle (cooking, scrapbooking, photography, guitar (what a joke), singing with a church group, reading, gardening, sewing, hosting murder mysteries, traveling (goes well with the photography) and of course spending time with my kids and their families). In my spare time I have my embroidery business, which is what I should be working on at this moment. The business has become exactly what I envisioned and more. If I wanted to worker harder, I could. I am proud of the fact that I (we) made an investment and it is paying off. Anyway, it is a gorgeous Fall day here and I mean to make the most of it. Will spend some time (actually a lot of time) in the loft working on jobs that need to get done and maybe rake a few leaves. We seem to have an abundance of them, living in the middle of the woods like we do. Adios for now!

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