Friday, December 23, 2011

An early Christmas present to myself

Every year the week before Christmas I give myself an early Christmas present.  Yes, I am selfish that way.  But I love myself, so each year I do it. 

This morning I headed to the outpatient hospital clinic and trudged down the long hallway for my annual mammogram.  We've all heard the jokes about mammograms... you know the lay down on a cold concrete floor with your boob wedged under the rear tire and have a friend back over it a few times... there are hundreds of mammogram jokes out there.  But.  Mammograms are no joke.  They save lives.  Eight years ago a mammogram saved my life.  If you are 40 or older, please do yourself a favor and get your annual mammogram. 

Every year I try joking with the technician, saying things like "you are going to give this to me half price since you only have to do one scan, aren't you?" or "don't get confused and scan the wrong side, it might pop".  They are always nice and joke back.  I'm sure they've heard it all.

So today was Merry Christmas to me!  Have you don't anything nice for yourself this Christmas?

Oh, and I'm not a complete masochist.  After my mammogram I treated myself to an afternoon at the beauty shop.   Cut, color, shampoo, and style!


Funny in My Mind said...

Ha! I haven't heard any mammogram jokes so I love it!
I bet you had a wonderful time at the beauty shop!
Let's make a deal to meet in perdon this next year.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I had an old friend come and pick up some blacksmith times today. she too had just come from here boob smash in town. Why you all might have been at the same palce at the same time.
Boob smashes, hair cut and color. are all a Good thing.
Merry Christmas!

AliceKay said...

I hope the mammogram doesn't show anything that needs tending to. You've been thru enough already. I'm a year or so overdue for mine. Once these other tests and appointments are out of the way, it's time to make that appointment for myself.

Merry Christmas, Deanna. Best wishes to you and your wonderful family.

P.S. Thank you for the beautiful Christmas card. *hugs*

Queenie Jeannie said...

OK, OK! Early next year I'll go and get my boobies skooshed!!

Hugs to you - gentle ones!

Rita said...

An absolutely smashing present to yourself--LOL!
Getting your hair done sounds like a sweet pleasure after the ordeal. ;)

Intense Guy said...

Ahh.. reminds me of that Air Supply song... Here I Am....

"And just when I thought I could stand on my own...
Oh baby, those mammories come crashing through..."


Merry Christmas Punkn - I'm so glad you survived that horrible ordeal that started eight years ago and are with us today.

Pix at Under the Oaks said...

Merry Christmas Deanna to you and yours!

Toriz said...

I think a checkup to be sure you're fit and healthy is a perfect Christmas present! :)

ChicagoLady said...

Mine is due in May, I'll be good and get mine checked. Hope you got the all clear for another year. My niceties were taken care of before Christmas, ie new furniture and tv. Glad you treated yourself afterwards, you deserve it!

LadyStyx said...

I'm fairly sure I'm over due on mine. I need to be sure to get it done this year. Actually, I think I'm over on alot of things now that I think of it. We've been so concerned about getting me vertical comfortably that it's kinda slipped our minds.

*makes note to correct this as well as a couple other items in my life*