Monday, June 11, 2012

Bright eyed and bushy tailed
I don't know where to start. Talk about "writer's block"!  I have it. I can't even seem to get a video put together of the grand's ball games.  Summer time blues?  I don't really think so... Just lazy?  Maybe...

We have been attending a few ballgames.  A couple of Sundays ago, we hit paydirt.  Who would have thought it possile to watch 4 gandkids play ball in one day?  But that is exactly what we did.  The two little towns where my two oldest "kids" live played against each other.  We could cheer and always be right!  At one point I did move from one side of the bleachers to the other.  It was the only fair thing to do.

With the weather being as dry as it has been, we've been watering our flowers, blackberries, grapes, and pear trees.  It was great to hear thunder and rain this morning.  We grabbed our cuppa joe and sat on the porch and watched it rain.  I'm pretty sure all of our friends in the forest were just as happy to see the rain as we were.  The birds were everywhere.  I even saw a big ol' owl lumber through the trees.  We have Purple Martin's this year for the first time in forever.  Love my Schwartze's (I call them that because I can never remember their name, but we have a guy we go to church named Martin - last name (you guessed it) Schwartze.  So, at Jim's suggestion, I do the name association  to come up with Purple Martin!

Anyway, this is just a quick post to say hi and that I hope everyone is ok.


Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I've missed you!
I hate to say it, we haven't made a game yet!
Our boys play on Tuesdays and Fridays at Ellis Porter. Do those days match yours?
We got 3/10 of an inch. It was great, only wish it was more!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wasn't the rain wonderful? Even tho it wasn't nearly enough, it was great to hear thunder this morning and have a cloudy day.
Glad to see your post. I know what you mean about writer's block! I've been experiencing that myself. It's hard for me to think about blogging this time of year.
Take care and enjoy your week!

betty said...

That would have been cool to see the owl! Pretty impressive sight I do believe! I do enjoy a good thunder/lightening storm as long as there is no damage with it; and who can resist the lull of rain?

How to have four grands playing at the same time! so which team won?


Queenie Jeannie said...

So great to see you again!!! Summers are always busy times and most people become sporadic bloggers - no biggie! Enjoy, take lots of photos, and come back when you're "feelin' it"!! Hugs!

Debbie said...

I have been crazy busy also, there are so many events this time of year!!! I love baseball, lucky you to be able to watch everyone!!!

Rita said...

That is just the cutest squirrel picture!! I love it!!
Sounds like you've been plenty busy with other things. Life just slips by so quickly sometimes, doesn't it? :):)

AliceKay said...

Great shot of the squirrel. I took three shots of a pair of the little devils in my yard today.

We've had nothing but rain on and off for days and days. Everything is very wet and farmers can't get their hay in. Hope you're sending some nice clear air our way soon.

Nice to see a post or two from you, too. :)

ChicagoLady said...

Cute picture of a certain little trouble-maker. Enjoy your summer, the ball games and your Schwartzes

Toriz said...

I was getting worried about you; was close to e-mailing to see if you were OK.

Nancy said...

Cute picture of the squirrel. I have taken about 500 pictures of cute squirrels and keep taking them! Glad you like my photo montages. I have fun creating them.