Sunday, February 4, 2018

The personalities of our grandchildren range from over the top “do you see me now” extroverted to slink into the room hoping nobody notices introverted.  Thankfully most of them fall somewhere in between.  This post is about Dakota, the epitomy of pay me no never mind - I am just here to please.

Last year, as a High School Freshman, he sent shock waves through the family when he announced he had a small solo (one line) at one of the school concerts.  Spring? Christmas?  I don’t remember.  I just remember thinking “You sing?!?”  We are a family of singers varying from pretty darn good to questionable quality.  How did this child go from I’ll just blend into the background to having a solo?  Nobody had ever heard him sing.  You can bet we attended the concert and sat through a lot of other talented or not so talented kids and other class groups to get to hear Dakota sing at the most 10 words.  Exciting!

Since then he has become the family camellion.  He still won’t sing for or with us.  Too shy.  And yet he is a huge part of the high school musical world.  His current passion is the high school show choir. They competed with other choirs from around the state this weekend.  I am very surprised they didn’t get chosen for the finals, but I’m still finding myself grin at odd times just thinking of Mr. “Don’t Pay Me No Never Mind” on stage shaking his booty and singing his heart out.
As the video below starts out Dakota is the handsome red head third from the right.  I could not be prouder - not just of all of the hard work these young people have put into their performance, but especially of a young man who has stepped outside of his comfort zone into a world he only thought existed for others.  Dang I am proud of him!

1 comment:

Intense Guy said...

Such a talented bunch! Hope he gets over his shyness! He has a flare for showbiz!