Monday, February 5, 2018

When searching for the love of my life, which I never really did since we found each other before I knew I was searching, I never would have thought to add “must love liver and onions” to the criteria needed for the perfect mate.  Fortunately, my perfect mate loves liver and onion as much as I do.  It would be a shame to go separate ways over love of liver, ya know.
Invariably when I place liver in my shopping cart, some well meaning person feels compelled to wrinkle their nose at me and declare their obvious thoughts on it.  I smile and tell them I love it.  I have to wonder what percentage of these people have ever tried liver.  I’ll bet the number would be rather small.  Do you like liver?


Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I do like liver and onions. However I think it’s been at least 25 years since I’ve had it. You see I can’t stand to cook it, the smell makes me nauseous. So when we lived next door to my parents, dad would make it for him and I at noon. Just the two of us.

Thanks for the memories!

Oh and I think Town Grill makes it.

Deanna said...

That is a special memory. I only make it two or three times a year. In the 70’s I used to go to Pope’s Drugs during lunch. It was always on their menu! Hope you have a great birthday today!

Intense Guy said...

Been a long time since I've had Liver and Onions. They used to serve it in the college cafeteria a lot - and sometimes I just had to eat it - the other choices being not as good!

Rare to see it on a menu around here...

Deanna said...

It is pretty rare to see it on menus here too Iggy. I never ate in my college cafeteria, but I’lll guarantee liver and onions was not on the menu.