Thursday, July 25, 2019

DAY 5 - Thursday, July 18th


A fun day touring Rocky Mountain National Park.  Many beautiful views.  We were amazed at the many bikers, and no I am not talking about Harley tough guys (or, as is more common, old guys).  These men and women were powering up the mountain ridges on their bicycles like they were easy rolling hills.  A few were riding along the edges with no guard rails.  The fierce wind was blowing me around like a rag doll.  They have my admiration, but I do believe they have to be more than a bit insane.  We've been eating most meals in the trailer, but decided to go out for pizza in Estes Park.  Found this dive called Bob & Tony's and experienced probably the best pizza we've ever eaten.  The place was loud with lots of young families playing the arcade and pool.  It was good to see families enjoying family time.

Lesson learned:  Parents/grandparents put those damn phones down.  I loved watching the parents laughing, teasing, playing with their kids.  Smiles all around.  Then there were the parents who had their nose in their phones, doling out money so the kids could run and play.  In reality the kids were arguing with each other and generally out of sorts.  Just put the phones down, please.

DAY 6 - Friday, July 19th


On the road by 8:15, it seems we are getting better at this getting up and going thing.  The only problem is we aren't sure where we are going.  So the first stop is coffee and internet.  Coming down out of the mountains from our campsite was easier than we expected.  We finally settled on destination Laramie, WY.

Lesson learned:  Check your car license expiration date before leaving home.  Imagine our shock when we were enjoying an evening outside under the pines and Jim happened to glance at the car license and realized it expires the end of July.  THIS July.  Talk about a wrinkle in the ointment!

DAY 7 - Saturday, July 20th


Stayed at a KOA last night.  Were very happy to find a place to stay.  Sing along with me.  On the road again, I just can't wait to get on the road again...  Went as far as Evanston, WY.  We pretty much breezed through Wyoming because we spent quite a bit of time there several years ago.

Lesson learned:  No matter how good camp ground wifi is, it will not work in a tin box.  McDonald's free wifi is my friend.

DAY 8 - Sunday, July 21st.


Left Evanston, heading for Utah.  We really enjoyed the Panoramic mountain views.  Made it as far as Twin Falls, Idaho.  Once we got settled, we checked out Shoshone Falls.  Years ago I said the first place I wanted to go once I retired was Niagara Falls.  I haven't made it there yet.  But the Shoshone Falls may have given me my Falls fix for now.  Talk about impressive, even though they were flowing at probably 1/2 power because the Snake River was at a lower level than at other times of the year.  Today was a day of extreme temperatures - up to 100 during the day and falling to the 60's at night.  Once again, great sleeping weather.

Lesson learned:  Not every Catholic community has the luxury of several weekend Masses to choose from.  Our plan was to go to church Saturday night or early Sunday morning.  Their only Mass this weekend was 2:00 pm.

DAY 9 - Monday, July 22nd

We spent the day messing around Twin Falls.  The big draw was the Perrine Bridge, best known as the location where Evil Knievel about died jumping the Snake River Canyon.  It was fascinating watching people base jumping off the bridge.  Definitely not for the faint of heart.

Lesson learned:  Thank God for our children.  Greg is watching the home place, especially watching the grass grow, so he can mow it if it gets too high.  I am hoping it has dried up.   Julie took Monday off to take care of our license issue.  She had to run to the house and find our personal property tax receipt, and license info, then to the insurance company to get a proof of insurance card, and then to the Department of Revenue where, of course, the lines were extremely long.  But she got it done.  Now to get an address where she can overnight them.
Free Base Jumper at Perrine Bridge (far right blue at the top of the bridge)

Shoshone Falls

Sunset at Shoshone Falls

DAY 10  and 11, Tuesday/Wednesday July 23rd & 24th

We settled on a two day stay at Baker City, Oregon, so the vehicle license could be overnighted to us there.  Mountain View RV Park (very nice and clean!).  The task of getting the license sent to us was handed off to Tessa.  She picked the package up from Julie's house and headed to the PO with the RV park address.  Easy, right?  Not so much.  It turned out that the RV park is so rural that the PO cannot overnight to them.  It's time to put our problem solving hats back on.  Between the Post Master, Tessa and the Atlas, we were able to find a PO somewhere between where we were and where we were headed to send the package, where they will hold it for us.  I'll let you know whether this worked or not.  We still don't have the car license, but I think we are closer!

Bakers City is on the Oregon Trail.  Very scenic, with a neat historic downtown.  We really enjoyed the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center and the scenic drives.  Viewing the exhibits of the Oregon Trail hardships made me appreciate just how easy we have it today, and just how strong and stubborn and people of faith the pioneers were.

Lesson learned:  Best laid plans don't always work the way you expect, but where there is a will, there is a way.

1 comment:

betty said...

In the future, if you need it, and hopefully you won't, you can get things sent to a UPS store, provided there's one in the area you are going to be at. My work computer was broken and they were sending me a new one and I was going to be out of town when it arrived. I checked with UPS and they could accept the delivery. I think I just had to pay $10 maybe? for them to do so. It was worth it rather than inconvenience a neighbor.

Beautiful views! You are learning lots of great lessons on your trip!
