Saturday, July 13, 2019

What could possibly go wrong? Right?

We begin our journey tomorrow morning.  Sunday.
What we thought would be a simple cargo trailer conversion has been anything but.  Getting to this point has been full of good news/bad news.
The manufacturer was 7 weeks late on the delivery and apparently interpreted our very specific design plans as suggestions.
❌We are embarking on this trip a month later than planned because of the delay
The 36 inch back door that we requested so we could easily get bikes or other toys in and out of the trailer turned into a 32 inch door
✅Because the smaller door was put in, we now had room for a nice cabinet that can be rolled out onto the deck for cooking, etc.
The 12 inch overhead cabinets we ordered were almost installed as 18 inch head knockers
✅ We caught the wrong cabinets before they were installed
❌The outside outlet was installed inside
✅ We got an extra outlet when they fixed their mistake
❌The salesman promised the generator could be installed outside on the tongue of the trailer; the installers said it was too heavy and they would have to build an insulated (sound proof) slide out box on the inside.  That wasn’t possible because of the size of the trailer.
✅ We went from a 14 ft. To a 16 ft. to accommodate the slide out box for very little additional cost.The additional room is very welcome!
❌The wrong generator was installed.
❌The right generator was installed in such a way that we were sure to die the first time we used it; plus it was extremely loud (they didn’t sound proof the box, as promised) and too heavy to move.
✅We replaced the loud generator with two smaller, very quiet, generators that are light weight enough that even I can move them away from the trailer (Anybody in the market for a powerful, but loud, 8000 BTU Generac generator?)
❌Overhead lights were supposed to be on two separate switches so we could choose which lights to have on.  That didn’t happen....
❌The salesman promised clear glass windows on the doors; the installers educated us that they aren’t available in clear glass.
✅We find we like the frosted glass after all.
The list of things that we had not thought of, or we thought they would have done differently, was extensive.  Fortunately our neighbor, Matthew, is an extremely talented man who understands everything mechanical and was willing to spend quite a few evenings helping Jim sort through the mess, and get things like the brake controller, wiring for the inverters, and on and on, done right.  We owe him big time.
The good news is we are loading up miscellaneous stuff and clothing today and heading out tomorrow morning, as planned!

In case you are wondering, hidden in the rolling cabinet and lockers is an oven, instant pot, and an induction cook top.  We also have a Coleman stove.  Our plan is to cook a lot of our meals.

View from front to rear door leading out onto the deck.  Plywood walls are ready to be painted.  The box on the right houses the generator.

Indoor/Outdoor carpeting on the rear deck.

Cabinet on the left houses the inverters and pull out slide with the bottle that captures the gray sink water in the back and trash can in the front.  The refrigerator is behind the door on the right.

View from front to rear.  Drop down table on the left, futon with inner-spring mattress on right, back left is a cabinet on rollers with a butcher top.  It can be rolled out onto the deck for outside cooking.  The curtains are black out curtains so we can get some shuteye during the Alaskan 24/7 daylight.  I’m not a big fan and will be making new ones when we return.  

Lockers on the left provide much needed storage.  The porta pot is in the bottom of the back one.  There is a shower curtain that pulls from the lockers to the v-nose area.  Sponge baths only in this trailer.  Park showers or YMCA will be used as available.  (Lord help me!) 

The metal strips along the wall are e-tracks that will be used to secure everything during travel.

I’m not going to complain that we are tired, but I did happen to slip on a pair of black and white checked capris with a black and white striped top to go to church tonight.  Fortunately, I looked in the mirror before I headed out the door.  Will post more as I can!


Patti said...

Prayers for a wonderful and safe trip. We will look forward to your adventures! Hope you’re back in time for the bluegrass concert! LOL

Emily Imhoff said...

Be safe and enjoy! I’m excited to read more. Love you lots! ❤️

betty said...

Have a great adventure! Everything you showed here was great with the trailer! I'm sure everything will be fantastic as you travel!


Paige Haslag said...

Safe travels! I hope y’all have an amazing time and I can’t want to hear more!!

Kris said...

Have a great time! Take lots of pictures to share. Drive safe!