Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter at Punkn's Place


What a day we had! We usually have an Easter brunch late morning on Easter Sunday. This way the kids and their families have time to join their other families later on in the day. It is always a challenge to find a time that works for everyone. We were able to get our entire family together with the exception of our step-grandson. He was with his mom in St. Louis.

I find that breakfast casseroles make things easy, and I am all about easy! We had ham & cheese casserole, home-made cinnamon rolls (they were SCRUMPTIOUS, if I do say so myself), fruit salad, sausage, biscuits and gravy. Trust me, nobody went away hungry.

After breakfast we had our annual Easter Egg Hunt. I fill the plastic eggs with candy and money - I've found that you can never go wrong with money. We usually take a picture of all of the grandkids on our front steps, but we had to stay inside this year. It was just too darn cold to go outside. We even had a few snow flurries (brrrrrrr).
Here are a few pictures of my wonderful grandkids. (Yes, I am one of those awful, boring, grandmas who thinks her grandkids are the most special in the whole wide world).

I wanted to get a really good picture of the little munchkins but it just wasn't possible. Baby Reagan is teething and made sure we all clearly understood just how unhappy she was. The little cut-up, James, in the front would not sit still! The picture sure caught his personality. Their names are: Front: James, Austin, Dakota; Kneeling: Anna Rose; Sitting: Cara, Allen holding Reagan, Travis, Emily. Cara (blue shirt) recently donated 14 inches of her hair to wigs for kids - I think her short hair looks great on her. She says she can't wait until she can do it again.

Allen and Anna are as close as two cousins can be. Anna is actually 9 months older than Allen. You sure wouldn't guess it by looking at the picture.

I couldn't resist this photo opportunity! James and Austin are 28 days apart in age. However, Austin has a hole in his heart and is small because of it. They are going to operate this summer. I didn't realize just how small he is until I saw the two of them sitting side by side with their shirts off.


sexy41 said...

They are beautiful looking grandchildren Punkn. You are blessed. Oh I want a breakfast like that. That sounded yummy. Made me hungry even though I just ate dinner.



AliceKay said...

You have a wonderful family, Punkn. The kids are adorable. I'm glad you had a nice Easter, too. *hugs*

LadyStyx said...

How beautiful they all are!

Intense Guy said...

Not only are they adorable - they have big hearts too... donating hair and the like.

Its quite easy to see why "granny punkn" is so proud of them. If I were her, I'd have one of them wallets where all the pictures of the kids and grandkids cascade to teh ground when you open it up.

Deanna said...

LOL Iggy... have you been peeking in my wallet? Thanks for the comments - I really am proud of them all.

ChicagoLady said...

Adorable kids, I can see why you love them so much.

Lainie said...

You have a lovely family. Sounds like a beautiful way to spend Easter Sunday!