Monday, March 10, 2008

Just a little sharing

It has been awhile since I have just "blogged". So here goes...

All of the kids and grandkids were here yesterday for soup, snacks and fun. The house was hopping and NOISY! My youngest daughter and her family were late and I began to get worried. So I grabbed the phone and hit speed dial - I thought the call didn't go through and hung up. Almost immediately my phone rang. It was our Parish Priest, who happens to also be my boss. Apparently I had called him by mistake. Well, this little gal had been drinking wine... so I invited him to come on over to the mad house. Fortunately he was headed out of town, otherwise I think he would have. He said it sounded like we were having way! too much fun. Eventually Julie and her family showed up (they had forgotten to set their clocks forward).

Speaking of setting clocks, my dear hubby pulled a good one. We were supposed to be at Church at 8:00 Sunday morning to practice music for the 9:30 Mass. Hubby volunteered to do the honors in setting the clocks and the alarm. The alarm went off at 6:30, giving me plenty of time to liesurely get ready. A little after 7:00 he noticed his watch, which resets itself when the time changes, was showing it was 9:00. Huh? Yep, you guessed it. He had set the clocks BACK rather than FORWARD. So, now we were up a creek without a paddle so to speak. Jim quickly got dressed and made it to Church in time to sing. I still had wet hair! Somehow I got my hair dried and was only 10 minutes late for church. Next time, I'm on clock duty!

Back to the kids and grandkids. We had a great time yesterday. I am one of those annoying shutter bugs who takes pictures every time we get together, so I try real hard to occasioally leave the camera alone. I didn't take a single picture yesterday. But watch out in two weeks when they are all here for Easter! All bets are off and I am going to take lots of pictures. We have wide steps leading up to our front porch. When Jim built them he told the kids he expected them to fill those steps up with grandkids. They have done a pretty good job - the count is at 10. Every Easter we take a picture of all the grandkids on the steps. I am really looking forward to it this year, since the newest addition has not been in one of the "on the steps" pictures yet.

Here are a few pictures of my bunch that I took over the past few months. I sure do love them!

This is my son, Greg and his 4 year old, Allen.

Greg is a wonderful dad! Allen didn't want to wear that "yucky orange hat", so of couse it became a game worthy of a picture.

My 8 year old graddaughter, Cara, protecting her birthday cake from her 2 year old brother, James.

She recently donated 14 inches of her beautiful hair to wigs for kids. She is a beautiful child, both inside and out. I will take a picture of her new short doo soon.

Our newest addition, Reagan. Even at three months, her great personality shows through.

Anna Rose and Allen. What a beautiful smile!

Anna is the smallest 5 year old I know. She is just now starting to wear her size 4 clothes. She told her mom that when she starts kindergarten next year that she may be the smallest in her class, but she is going to be the smartest!

My daughter, Tessa's, three girls, Emily, Anna and Cara, squishing their daddy.


Lainie said...

You have a lovely family!

Intense Guy said...

Double Ditto what Lainie said!

Such cutie pies!!! Nice seeing all the girls getting their good looks from "Granny"

sexy41 said...

You have a beautiful family punkn.

Love the turning the clocks back instead of forward. LOL

AliceKay said...

Great pics, Punkn. I noticed dimples run in your family. :)

(hmmm...i thought i hit publish and next thing i know, i see sexy's comment in there...LOL)

LadyStyx said...

Whast a gorgeous family. i look forward to the "step picture".

Deanna said...

Thankee thankee. Yes, AK, dimples run rampant in my family. Hubby has them and apparently they are a very dominat trait. Our three kids and all of our grandkids have at least one dimple. (I have several dimples, too, but mine can't be shown in a picture LOL).

Intense Guy said...

Awww... we wanted to see dimple pictures...


Thats a smiley with a dimple since I got 'em too.

AliceKay said...

LOL...yep, you have dimples too, Iggy.

LadyStyx said...

With a big smile, I have one on each cheek....when smiling widely a third one shows up near my mouth.

LOL@ at those dimples that cant be shown in a few of them too ;)