Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dog Days

I’ve been in sort of a melancholy mood. My get up and go has got up and went, if you know what I mean.

I can’t quite put my finger on what is wrong. Is it the weather? Is it my Lupus? Is it old age – no wait it can’t be that! I’m still young. Is it the end of summer blues? Heck, who knows. I just know I’ve not been myself lately.

There is one reason why I’m in a stewing, not so great, mood, but I’m not able to put that into words yet. I’m still sorting through it in my own mind. If I would put my feelings in words right now, I would come across as a very selfish, uncaring person. And I’m really not that way. I promise – I’m not selfish or uncaring. So, that post will wait until I come to terms with how things are. (Got ya wondering now, don’t I….)

Another creature who is not at all himself is my little Chihuahua, Whiskey. Whiskey is a very aggressive little demon. I finally gave up buying him toys because he becomes very possessive of them and then proceeds to tear them up within days. I swear he has shark teeth.

I relented last week, though. I happened on to this cute little giraffe toy and bought it. So what if it is a few dollars down the drain. Right? Imagine my surprise when Whiskey took to that toy like no other – in a good way! He sleeps with it. He carries it with him when he comes snuggle with us on the couch. He hasn’t made a single move towards ripping its head off yet. And to top that off – he shares it! I can take giraffey toy from him and smooch on it and then hand it back and he is ok with it! What’s up with that! This demon dog has taken my head off for much less transgressions.

And he posed with it for me. Whiskey is a quite the camera hound. He loves to get his picture taken. So, here he is – demon dog and toy.




Sherri Murphy said...

Demons, I mean dogs, can be so funny!

Who can figure them out?

Hope your get up and go comes back soon.

AliceKay said...

Aww...that second picture is so sweet. :)

I hope you get to feeling like your ole' self soon. *hugs*

ChicagoLady said...

That's a cute little giraffe. Maybe Whiskey finally decided you bought him the right toy, and all the others were ripped up so you'd keep looking for the right one?

Either that, or he's mellowing in his old age, lol.

Funny in My Mind said...

He even has the glowing eyes! I love how his name is Whiskey too. He does look like he could take off a finger or two. How cute is he with his raff raff. (that's how I would talk baby talk to him "does Whiskey wuv his raff raff?" Crazy.

Funny in My Mind said...

You have my e-mail if you want to talk!

PictureGirl said...

OMG! How adorable!

I have a black demon cat like Whiskey. My son says she is the spawn of the devil (I think he's onto something there).

Whiskey certainly is a cutie.

Hope you get to feelin' more like your old self.

junyah said...

Sounds like the Blues to me,i have had that same feeling latey , summers slipped away on me (( again)) I was hopeing to sell the 4 wheeler and get a motorcycle. im still trying to sell it but i havent advertized it much ,not that im tryinmg that hard but..if somebody really wanted it and has the money we'll talk. Dogs are mans(( and Ladys)) bestest freinds..what would we have had to take theyer place if we didnt have dogs?? ( dont say Cats) lol HUgs Punkies..l/y

junyah said...

i have t osign in as hankjr51 because if i dont it wont go thought as my new addys, i havent figured out how to chage that yet, its another one of them thinngs i havent had time to work on this summer....where has the time gone...

Intense Guy said...

*huge hugs*

I suspect the ending of summer may have stirred up the hard memories of the other "milestones" you had earlier this year. I hope you feel like your "young self" soonest.

I think ChicagoLady is onto something - you finally got the Demon Dog the "right toy" - but I can't confirm it - he scares me too much for me to try to dog whisper with him.

MarmiteToasty said...

I know about the funky mood, I need someone to kick me up the arse :)

LOL@demon dog.....

much love dear you...


LadyStyx said...

Yeah...seems to be that time of year for many around here. *HUGZ*

Anonymous said...

They say people do go through a funk during season changes. Blah.

Toriz said...

*Hugs* Hope you're back to feeling yourself again soon!

Sometimes dogs pick a favourite toy they wont damage for whatever reason. I guess this new giraffe is Whisky's choice.

Either that or he figures he's getting too old to murder innocent toys. ;)

Queenie Jeannie said...

Ahhh! That is so sweet!! It's like a little kid with his lovie!!

So sorry you aren't feeling like yourself. More sunshine and fresh air perhaps?? I don't think you're selfish or uncaring either, and yes, I am curious....but I'm naturally curious anyway.

Hugs and I hope you feel better soon!

Karla said...

Honey we could and never would think YOU are selfish and uncaring..we all have things that really bother us. But you don't have a cold or mean bone in your body..(Oh I'm sure you have your moments but don't all us momma lions?)

Whiskey knows your blue..and he wants to make you happy again..that's why he'd sharing with you :-) to let you know you are loved..even if he's a demon dog most of the time.....