Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Grab a cupa coffee (or tea) and sit a spell

It has been crazy busy in my little part of the world this past week.

I've had a lot of miscellaneous embroidery jobs come my way, so I've been spending more time in The Loft working.  It is such a fun work space, but I noticed last week that I need to spend some serious time organizing and taking stock of supplies.  The space can use some TLC.   I get so wrapped up in the projects and orders that the little things go by the wayside. 

The weekend was a good, but busy, one.  Saturday was spent cooking and cleaning and working on embroidery projects.  Then in the evening we picked up Julie's three boys to come spend the night with us.  Then for a relaxing evening.  Travis had a football game in Illinois that day - They Won! Go Thomas Jefferson! - so he was pooped (and sore) and crashed early. 

After Church Sunday morning  it was time to add the finishing touches to the two crock pots of soups I had made the day before.  Chili, White Chili, Corn Bread, Cheesy Fries, crackers, and Dump Cake make for a fairly simple meal.  Then for an evening of visiting and fun with our kids and their families.  We don’t get together nearly as often as we used to, so I treasure the times when we do.

I’ve been pretty negligent about taking pictures.  I blame the darn cold I’ve been fighting with for over a week.  I did manage to take a picture of these two “All I want for Christmas is my one front tooth” guys, James and Allen.

James and Allen smiling big with the same tooth missing

Allen’s wish will soon turn into “two front teeth”.

Allen smiling big with a missing tooth

I swear this door was clean at the beginning of the day.  It was fun to guess which child went out the door by the height of the hand prints.

glass door with hand prints all over it 

Allen and Travis



All in all, it was a great day. 

After sleeping in the recliner in order to be able to breathe, Monday morning brought another busy day.  We were heading to Osage Bluff to visit Patti (Osage Bluff Quilter) and Bernie (Osage Bluff Blacksmith).

We met in blogland and have found we have an awful lot in common.  The Blacksmith is an amazing craftsman and has been getting ready for The Old Munichburg Festival coming up this Saturday in Jefferson City.  We plan on going and I’ll be sure to take pictures.  He made me a Celtic Cross key ring for my church keys.  Maybe I’ll quit misplacing them now.  It is a very special gift and I’ll get a picture of it posted later.

Patti is working on a project of hemming 32 table runners for an upcoming wedding.  A serger is the only way to go for a project of that size.  And since I happen to have one that I’m not presently using, mine stayed at her house for a while.  I’m sure it will have a very nice visit.

Patti and Bernie’s beautiful timber frame home is isolated from the outside world, down a lane off the main road.  What a wonderful place to live.  The food was some of the best I’ve had in a very long time.  Bernie grilled some meat to perfection – I think it was center cut pork – I meant to ask.  I just know it was very tender and tasty.  Patti added her touches of a wonderful salad, which she kindly posted on her blog.  You will grab that recipe if you know what is good for you.  I’m going to serve it to company that is coming on Thursday.  And the home grown baby sweet corn topped the meal off.  But it didn’t end there. There were also delicious home made rolls.  But the meal didn’t end there either.  She topped it off with a scrumptious peach pie topped with vanilla ice cream and steaming hot coffee.

After supper we took a short ride to see the property my brother owns and the lake where Bernie and Patti fish and hang out.  Then we retired to the back deck to sit and visit some more.  Before we knew it, 8:00 had come and it was time to call it a night.  The day went by way too fast.  Good folks, good friends!

And now it is time to bring this way too long, too much information packed blog to a close.

I hope everyone has a wonderfully blessed day.  Cheers!


Intense Guy said...


I hope you feel better soonest - those lingering colds are really energy sapping.

Those two guys with the misthin' (insert spray of spit here) teef are too cute! Did you decide who the palmy printed culprit was? :)

I'm really happy to hear of your meeting with a set of blog pals! They sure sound like they could be you and Jim! Which is a good thing 'cause in my opinion the world needs more of you and jim's.

Nice to see you are busy embroidering - I keep seeing a light blue embroidered shirt on my mom and I keep saying, "That color is so YOU!" (She looks marvelous in it). And of course, my dad is wearing out his Captain Bob hats as fast as he can! (yep he wears one 16/7 and would wear it in bed when he slept if he could get away with it!)

Rita said...

The kids look so cute! What a wonderful, precious family time. :)

You've been very busy embroidering. I hope we see pictures later.

How special to meet blog family in person!! Sounds like you guys do have a lot in common. How nice of you to lend her your serger, too. I bet it will be even more fun the next time now that you have broken the ice. And their place out in the woods sounds lovely!

I hope you feel better. I know how that is to have to sleep in the lounger just to breathe. Arg! Get better soon!! :)

Missouri Gal said...

Sounds like you are very busy. Tell Patti and the Blacksmith hi for me. Hope to get down there to Dunklin Street this weekend. Hope you feel better soon.

AliceKay said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend. Loved the pic of the handprints on the door glass. LOL Ryan leaves fingerprints and hand prints on the tv screen and kitchen window. LOL

You have some cute grandkids. Ryan's getting teeth in and your grandkids are losing teeth. Which is easier? :D

I'm glad you were able to go visit your friends. Sounds like a nice place to visit...good company and great food. :)

I hope you feel better soon. *hugs from a distance*

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to see a post from you. Im so sorry you have had a cold I sure hope you are feeling better. I am so hungry after reading about all the good food in this post lol I loved the picture of the little handprints on the door that is just so cute. Im glad you got to visit with friends and have a good time, I cant wait to see the upcoming pictures :o) HUGS have a great day!

Toriz said...

Sounds fantastic... Apart from the cold you've been fighting, obviously.

Deanna said...

Three year old Reagan is definitely the culprit of the front door hand print. But there were so many other prints that didn't show up in the picture... it was insane!

Flat Creek Farm said...

I'm fighting a sore throat. Please don't tell me that's the way your cold started :) Gotta love a visit to Bernie & Patti's - great people and I love their place! And, of course, your grandkids are simply adorable.
Feel better soon! -Tammy

betty said...

lots of fun things you have been up to! visits with families and friends are always special times and my gosh, what great menus you served for your family and what a great menu you were served by your blogging buddies!! neat you live close by to be able to get to know them and spend time with them! hope that cold goes away soon and you feel better!


Akum said...

You're so luck to have such angels in your life. I bet just watching them must be quite an experience!

Vicki Lane said...

Homemade peach pie -- my mouth is watering. Why haven't I made one this summer? Off to the store tomorrow to grab some late season peaches...

Sounds like you've been having fun!

tattytiara said...

Love the matching smiles!

Rural Rambler said...

Good Morning Deanna! Hope you are feeling better this morning! Those are some sweet faces you got there! Your visit to Patti's sounds wonderful and the FOOD sounds yum. Good friends, good food, great time! We ARE going to make it to Old Munichburg Festival come heck or high water. We are looking forward to it. Your new header is stunning and you have a bright and pretty new makeover here :)

AliceKay said...

The pictures keep changing in your header. LOL (but it's nice seeing your pics)