Thursday, December 29, 2011



How do you like my dirty window?  Or did you only notice my pretty African Violet that is flourishing, but has yet to yield any drop dead gorgeous blooms?  Both are challenges.  The window is too high for me to just run outside and clean.  It takes an extension ladder.  Maybe we (Jim) can tackle that challenge this Spring.  I've watered and fed my African Violet and offered filtered light (admittedly through a dirty window).  When I bought it for 50 cents at Lowes, it was almost dead.  So I am obviously up for challenges.  But what now...  Less water?  More fertilizer?  A challenge.

We just paid our real estate and personal property taxes.  Talk about a challenge!  Of course the challenge of income taxes will soon follow.  Ugh.  Maybe I'll try facing that challenge head on and get it done right away rather than waiting until the last minute like I usually do.

Whether she realizes it, I don't know, but my daughter, Tessa, and her family, gave me a challenge for Christmas.  They gave me a gift certificate from blog2print to get my blog made into a book.  Now that is super cool!  It is also going to be a super challenge. 

I've been blogging since the end of 2007.   Many of my posts are not book worthy.  Admittedly, none of my posts would be book worthy to the rest of the world, but to me they are a point in time that I obviously thought noteworthy or I wouldn't have blogged about it.  I went to the website today and checked things out.  This is going to be great but... a challenge!  I've decided the simplest way to do this is to start from the very beginning (like Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music, singing Do Re Mi).  That's a very good place to start.. and label each post that I want included in the book.  Then I can process it and see where the cost is and add or delete.  Oh yes, this is definitely going to be a challenge.  A wonderful challenge.

Shoot, I just noticed cob webs behind my blinds.  Another challenge!  I'll be back later.  It looks like I have some cleaning to attend to.


Nancy said...

I hope you tell how blogtoprint works out.. I want to get my house blog turned into a book after we do the landscaping this spring...

And if you clean the window, you won't have filtered sunlight for the violet...just thinkin...

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Well good to know someone has matching windows to mine.
I want to check out that blog printing company!
Taxes . . .they just plain suck!
We were going to go to Weavers today, but decided the 3 grandkids would enjoy the outdoors more than a car ride. Weaver's with coupon have everything 20% off!

Toriz said...

Life is full of challenges. The trick is to start at the beginning and work your way to the end; doing your very best along the way!

Awesome about the thing where your blog gets made in to a book! :)

Rita said...

LOL! I'm on third floor and can't get to the outside of the top half of the windows and haven't figured out how to open the bottom ones into the inside to get the backs of them...or if they do open up that my windows look worse than yours do, I think. But your African Violet looks really happy!

Good luck turning your blog into a book. Yes, that would be challenging!

Happy new year!! :):)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with dirty windows! Some of mine require a long ladder, too. But the ones that don't still don't get washed as often as they should! Shhh, I really didn't say that!
I'm interested in seeing how the book goes for you. I'd like to do that sometime.
We'll pay our taxes tomorrow. We always wait until the last minute because it sure puts a dent in the pocketbook!! It's ridiculous how high taxes are!
Hope you get some big blooms on your plant soon. I don't have any idea why it wouldn't bloom for you.
Have a good weekend and Happy New Year!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

That's a really cool gift!! I too have been blogging a longggg time and wouldn't know where to start, lol! Have fun with it!

I have done all I can with taxes and now have to wait til the 11th to submit them (I'm AHEAD of TurboTax this year, lol!).

Good luck and Happy New Year!!!!

Pix, wishin' and hopin' said...

Deanna that is what I want to do with Rural Rambles blog and why it is still sitting there doing nothing. I am going to check the site you have chosen. Mine won't be a big deal, I didn't have many posts. My windows are always dirty! We paid our taxes the first of the month so there wouldn't be any cranky going on during the holidays! Still had a cranky with the pooped out computer. New one comes home today-fingers crossed!

Intense Guy said...

That sounds like a really cool gift!

I know I admired a fair number of your posts - perhaps us readers could "drum up" a few for possible inclusion? :)

I just noticed my windows are dirty too - but they are going to stay that way - for now.

AliceKay said...

All of my windows require a step ladder to clean the outsides of them...sometimes standing next to the top step to reach a few of them. My windows streak no matter how they're cleaned or what I clean them with. :\

I bought some Miracle Grow Liquid African Violet Plant Food last year. I mix the drops with a pint of water and use that mixture to water my plant. It flowered quite well this summer but hasn't had a blossom since then. Good luck with yours. It looks nice and healthy. (must be that window)

The blog2print book sounds pretty neat. It does sound like a challenge, though. Good luck with it and have some fun while you're at it. You've had some wonderful stories in your blog over the years. :)

Steve Skinner said...

Best wishes for the New Year!

ChicagoLady said...

Have fun tackling your "challenges" this year. The Blog2print sounds like fun! And I know you have quite a few posts that are good enough to include.

The nice thing about being in an apartment on the second floor? I am only required to clean the inside of the windows.

Here's a link to an article that talks about getting an AV to bloom:
