Thursday, July 5, 2012

Of birds and squirrels and all things in between

Our fine feathered friends, and all of the animals, domestic and wild alike, are struggling in the dangerous in excess of 100 degree temperatures we have been having.  It is nothing to look outside and see five or six squirrels and many more birds fighting for a chance at the bird feedes and bird bath.  The deer are enjoying the cool benefits of our new pond - full of water for the first time this Spring.  So is the blue heron that we see perched there all too often.  We are hoping he leaves some fish for fishing when the stocked fish mature enough.

The birds are desperate enough for food that they don't really care that we are sitting on the front porch watching them.  The red birds are a bit "cagy" and keep their distance.  But the finches, titmouses, and hummingbirds, are braver, providing some pretty good photo ops.  I've been one to mostly post my photos as taken.  Cropping is about all I usually do with them.  Today I played with iPiccy photo editing software ( - it's free!).  Oh what fun.

Here is my little Titmouse before photo editing.

And here is the same picture after editing

Here is my brave little Charlie before photo editing

Charlie in a cage

And here he is after editing. Try to get in my feeders now, you little devil
(Tori, I edited a mesh cage around my squirrel and distorted him a bit)

I am definitely enjoying the possibilities of photo editing.  Stay cool out there!


Toriz said...

The wildlife must think they've found paradise at your place!

LOL about the photo; just remember Charlie needs to eat too, and will keep you company when the birds fly South!

Rita said...

They must really enjoy the water in the bird bath, especially in this heat. And not having to scrounge around endlessly for food and to have it in one spot has to be a blessing for them, too. Even for Charlie! (I love squirrels and chipmunks!)

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

YEs it is so pitiful as to how dry it is around here. The Blacksmith is demo at LePages on Schott Road Saturday 9-2 if you want to see him sweat! Of course I will be sweating too in 100 degree temps!

ChicagoLady said...

Can I edit a photo to remove something between me and the animal and clear up the distortion? If so, I have some great pictures to share on my blog.

Stay cool, and keep lots of water and food out for the animals.

betty said...

That is great how you did that editing Deanna! Very nicely done. It is so interesting to see what kinds of birds are in your neighborhood. We have blue herons here by the ocean; they are so magnificient. I do hope you all get relief from the heat so very soon!


AliceKay said...

Have fun with the editing. That last one of the squirrel was pretty interesting. lol

Someday soon, this heat wave will pass and give us some relief. (i hope) We haven't been as hot as you, but it's been quite unbearable at times. Terri works out in this heat every day, along with a lot of other people, and it's been hard on him and everyone else. It wears you down. We've had a few storms, but it's still very dry here.

Have a great weekend. *hugs*

Anonymous said...

It's stinkin miserable here... temp is 101, heat index is 110 & humidity is 34%... which I'm thankful that the humidity is so low, cuz it could be a lot worse if it was higher... but it's still miserable... I got my outside stuff done this morning at work, about 8:30/9am & it was already 96... THIS AIN'T TEXAS, GOD, PLEASE LOWER THE TEMPS!!! The heat index is suppose to be 114 tomorrow, but then it's suppose to rain Sunday, Sunday night & Monday, so we'll see!!! =)

Latane Barton said...

That editing program looks like fun. I will be looking for more photos you have done. Stay inside and stay cool.

Debbie said...

yikes, it's just too hot everywhere!!

very nice edits, i especially like the titmouse.

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I have been trying to keep my Birdbath filled. I am surprised at how fast it evaporates in this heat. The little squirrel braved the heat too. They must only be coming out for food and staying in the shade otherwise... much like us.

Intense Guy said...

I remember a time when I tried to take some squirrel pictures...

I'm green with envy... :)

LadyStyx said...

LOL @iggy. Poor dude. Thanks for the link, I'll need to check that out one of these nights.