Thursday, July 26, 2012

This Rocks!

A week on Hilton Head Island, SC is a great get away.  The cast of characters was Jim, Deanna, Greg, Alicia, Allen, and Reagan. We flew out of St. Louis on Saturday morning, had a layover in Atlanta, and then on to Savannah, where we rented a car for a relatively short drive to Hilton Head.  We originally thought about flying into Hilton Head.  That thought was very short lived, once we checked on the cost.  They are very proud of that little jaunt.

After checking out our condo/apartment, we headed down to the beach.  Allen immediately did a little writing in the sand.  This Rocks.  Then he summed it up with "I Love Summer Vacation!"  That about says it all.

I Love Summer Vacation!

It was a relaxing week away from everything.  The fine white sand was great for long strolls, or just sitting and gazing out over the water while listening to the roar of the waves. 

As I strolled along the beach at dusk, we were trying to get a "Footprints in the Sand" picture.  We failed. 
The sand was great for digging and buiding sand castles.  Allen happened onto this hole someone else dug. 

The Island has one winery. So of course we had to check it out. We all agreed that the wine was pretty darn good. 

We all thought the "locals" were somewhat snobbish.  They weren't very friendly and at times were downright rude.  It was like they resented the touristy presence, and yet their entire economy depends on tourism.  It was very confusing.

Hilton Head Island is known for its fabulous golf courses.  We even played a round of golf.   As far as we were concerned, it wasn't anything to write home about.  Maybe that is because it was put-put type golf?  It sure was fun.  I had forgotten how bad I am at that game.  Reagan started out slow, but by the time we were nearing the end, she was giving us all a run for our money - including Allen.  It is amazing how quickly kids figure these games out, while us grownups kind of plod along.

We toured Savannah, GA on the hottest day of the week.  In hindsight that was a mistake.  We all ended up a bit tired and cranky by the end of the day, and called it quits before we had done all of the sight seeing we had wanted to.

We were in awe of the architecture and beauty of The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist.  We were lucky enough to get there just as a tour of Girl Scouts was leaving (the Girl Scouts were founded in Savannah, did you know that?).  Just as we were leaving, another tour bus showed up. 

Did you know that Forrest Gump was filmed in Savannah?  The bench where Forrest sat telling the story of his life to anybody who would listen, sat right outside Chippewa Square (there are many squares in Savannah).  The bench has been moved to a museum.  What we found strange is that Savannah doesn't seem to capitalize on the Forrest Gump presence at all.

Since they didn't replace the bench with a replica for us to sit on, Greg and I positioned ourselves in about the right place.  I was trying to tell Greg that "Life is like a box of chocolate..."  But then he already knew that.  Another tourist actually had a freeze frame shot on his phone of Forrest sitting on the park bench.  That way he knew where to stand to have their picture taken.  We followed their lead and had ours taken there too.

 Because of the heat, we didn't see near what we thought we would. The beach was calling. 

We all promised each other that we wouldn't post a bunch of tasteless swim suit clad pictures of each other.  But I don't think Greg and Alicia will mind this family picture.  They look so happy.  I believe we were at Harbour Town when this one was taken.

Dolphin watching was on our agenda, and we did see a lot of Dolphins.  They were especially active when a small fishing type boat would happen by.  They know where there is food... they are smart like that.  They are also smart enough to not pose for pictures.  I'll spare you the black humps of a back, tail fin, or snoot sticking out of the water. 

It seemed that within a blink of an eye, the vacation was over.  The kids were troopers from start to finish.  It was so much fun to see their faces as they played in the sand or "rode the waves" on their boogie boards.  Now, where are we going next, kids?


Funny in My Mind said...

How exciting that you got to get out of the Missouri desert (ha, said dryly) and to somewhere beautiful.
How sad that the locals have to behave that way. Shame on them.
Really cool that the kids got to join you as well!
Vacations never last as long as we want them to.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

How blessed you guys were to take a family vacation!
We are in Lestervlle Missouri (southeast) and it's pouring rain! I might just go dance in it in the nude.. No maybe not!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Deanna, sounds like a fun vacation! The beach sounds like a mighty good place to be this summer. You got some fun shots. I had forgotten Forrest Gump was filmed there and it's one of my favorite movies. It's neat you got to stand in the spot where the bench was!

Steve Skinner said...

It appears that a good time was had by all!

betty said...

Looks like you guys had a great trip!! So neat to travel with family too and to see the sites through your grands eyes! I've never been to that part of the country; but it looks wonderful!! Great place to spend the week (minus the heat of course :)


Toriz said...

Sounds like an absolutely awesome vacation!

ChicagoLady said...

How nice to get away for a few days and see some actual moving water!

I never knew FG was filmed in Savannah, thanks for enlightening me.

Great pictures of the family!

AliceKay said...

Looks like you had a great family vacation. Sounds pretty nice to me. Thanks for sharing your pictures wirh us. The one of Reagan is so sweet.

Intense Guy said...

I'm glad you had a great vacation!! I love all the pictures. I didn't know FG was filmed in Savannah either, I've been there twice and missed the missing bench! :)

Hugest hugs - hope you relaxed and recharged!

CrankyPuppy said...

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil was filmed there also. Savannah doesn't capitalize on that because it really doesn't need to. If you ever get there, you fall in love instantly with the old houses, small Southern town feel, and moss draped everywhere. The fountains are gorgeous. Can you tell I'm in love with Savannah? ;-)