Thursday, January 16, 2014


This week has been a difficult one.

Three or so months ago a long time friend and co-worker was diagnosed with advance stage melanoma.  Within a week of diagnoses he was told it was everywhere in his body except his brain.  It only took a week longer for that to change.  I often hear people say "it happened so quickly".  I even experience "it happened so quickly" with my own dear dad.  Once again "it happened so quickly".  My friend, Joe, passed away Sunday evening.  His funeral was yesterday.  Joe was one of those guys who everyone loved.  He was everywhere and knew everything about our parish and our parish family.  Fr. Greg gave him a first class send off.  During the eulogy Fr. called Joe "the boss", but more than that - a leader.  When there was something needing to be done, he didn't direct, he led by doing, right alongside everyone else.  As Fr. said it, when someone would ask where something was or how to do something, the inevitable answer was "ask Joe".

The funeral home Jim works for had Joe's funeral.  The visitation was in church.  So as Jim was getting things set up in preparation of the visitation, he was having trouble getting electricity to the lights on each side of the casket.  A co-worker and Joe's son joined in trouble shooting.  Jim finally said, "You know, the problem is the guy who knows the answer is in this casket".  So they asked Joe and he told them to turn on the power strip.

I was wrong when I thought I was prepared for Joe's passing.  I have seen him almost daily for 9 years, often only for a minute when he would bring the mail in or just pass through the church building.  I can still see his slow, steady, walk as he moved from one task to another.  He had slowed down a lot the past few years, and I even found myself getting frustrated at the amount of things that weren't getting done, but Joe always gave as much  as he possibly could.  The finality of his death hit me as we walked to the cemetery... and it was gut wrenching.  My friend, JoAnn, looked at me and said, "I want him back", then we held each other, sobbing.

I want him back.


Osage Bluff Quilter said...

So sorry to hear of Joe's passing. I didn't know him, but I saw it in the newspaper and I figured you would have to know him as he was a member of your church.
He brother Francis was the same way at our church. He was the go to man for getting the gas lines ready for every chicken frying event at church.
Those brothers had some GOOD genes!

Intense Guy said...

Hugs you tight.

The "good ones" are badly missed and so needed. Joe sounds like quite a man - and a truly worthy role model - hopefully his role model will live on in others - as well as his name and memory.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm so sorry about your friend. He sounds like a very good man. (((Hugs)))

Pix Under the Oaks said...

So sorry about your friend Deanna. Hugs. It frustrates and deeply saddens me we are losing people to this disease. We need a cure. You would think by now we would have one.

Vicki Lane said...

O, Deanna -- I'm so sorry. Such a fine tribute to your friend.

Flat Creek Farm said...

Deanna, sending hugs your way. Joe truly sounds like a gem. Coincidentally, the description reminds me of our dear neighbor Joe who passed away a few years ago with cancer. Happened so fast with him too.. and he was also one of the great ones. Prayers for the family & friends..

Far Side of Fifty said...

I am sorry:(

AliceKay said...

My condolences on the loss of your friend, Joe. He sounds like a guy everyone would want to have in their life. There aren't too many "Joes" around these days. *hugs*

betty said...

I am so sorry about the passing of Joe, Deanna. I read his obit; I'm sure Jesus said to him "well done good and faithful servant" when he met him. I know he will be missed always.


ChicagoLady said...

My condolences on the loss of your friend. From your description and his obit, I think many people in the community benefited from knowing Joe.

WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Sorry for the loss of your friend.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

Queenie Jeannie said...

I'm so sorry, Sweetie! It won't be long now, and we'll all be together again. Big hugs!

Chris said...

Hi Deanna, so sorry for your loss. I'm just stopping by to say how interesting your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris