Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The farm

We raise registered Katahdin Hair Sheep. The breed originated in the late 1950's on a farm in north Central Maine. We were attracted to this breed of sheep for various reasons. One of the top reasons is that they don't have to be sheared (thus the name "hair" sheep). They get wooly looking in the winter when they need the warmth of a coat and then in the spring they start shedding their coat, eventually ending up with coarse hair for the summer. They are a nurturing breed that lamb easily without assistance and nurture their babies well. In 8 years we have had to bottle feed only four lambs; two times because the mother died while lambing, and two times because the mother rejected the lambs. We have them in various pastures but unfortunately the herd is larger than our pastures can support. I think Jim is soon going to sell off quite a few of them.

When we first got into farming we named the sheep. One time we named them after money (quarter, penny, dime, dollar, nickel), another time after Disney Characters (seven dwarves, mickey, etc.) We quickly learned naming them wasn't smart (actually I knew that from the beginning, but did it anyway). We now name the Daddy Ram and the Ewes we will be keeping. The rest are "hey you... "
This is Abe. He got the name because we bought him from the Agriculture School of the local University - Lincoln University.

This little guy is the strangest looking lamb I've seen yet. Isn't he cute? Usually they are white or brown and sometimes has a spot or two of the other color. But this little guy just couldn't decide I guess. I don't know if she is a keeper yet or not. I kind of hope so.

Maybe tomorrow or the next day I'll find time to blog about our guard dog, Radar.


Intense Guy said...

I assume you raise these sheep for meat? Doesn't sound like they are much good for wool. I like the pose Abe is in. He almost looks Lincoln-ique!

I have heard you should never name animals raised for food. I've never had any such beasts though. There is a place on the side of the road on my way home that has sheep. The little lambs were out running around a week or two ago in the grass. Cute little tikes.

AliceKay said...

Aww, what a cute little lamb. My grandfather raised sheep, but his were the kind with the black faces and the wool that needed sheared in the spring. I can't seem to remember the breed's name at the moment. We used to go watch them get sheared when we were kids. Big excitement. Then we had naked sheep running all around. LOL

We've always named our beef cows, Iggy. :\

Deanna said...

Yep Iggy, they are raised for meat. We've found there is a large market for lamb. Have never had any trouble selling them. Yea, they are cute when they are first born. They look like they have springs in their legs!

ChicagoLady said...

All AK's beef cows are named Iggy? Doesn't that get confusing? LOL

What cute sheep! Do you think one could live with me in my apartment? ;-)

LadyStyx said...

Awwwwwwwwwww lookit that lil one!!!

Well Chicago...could be worse. She could call them Richard..... ;)

~grinz evilly and goes to the next blog~

Deanna said...

*makes a note to call Chicagolady next time we have a lamb to bottlefeed* You won't mind getting up every 2 hours the first week, will you? LOL
I think next lambing season the names will be chat friends :)

Intense Guy said...

Wow its getting crowded out there in Chicago, where there is Charlie the Squirrel, ORBA the orange round bucket alien, CookiesAndCream aka Little Orby (and now aka Iggy?) the beef calf, and a Lamb presumably to be named later.

Someone's going to need to get their place rezoned.

Lainie said...

Lainie would be a great name for a lamb, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.