Thursday, May 15, 2008

Where does the time fly!

Here it is Thursday evening already. I had a list a mile long of things I planned on getting done this week. Unfortunately, I still have a list a mile long....
I did get the invitations mailed for my mom and dad's 60th wedding anniversary celebration. My dad has his heart set on doing this, even though mom won't know what is happening. I'm trying to keep it small, only inviting 60 people. If a celebration will bring him a little happiness, then a celebration he will get. My boss (our Pastor) has agreed to renew their wedding vows, so it should be nice. This all happens the middle of June. My sis and some of her family will be coming in from Arizona. They can't stay with mom and dad because having people around upsets mom, so I guess I'll have a house full of people. My sis and I have never really gotten along real well. We are just so different. I'm sure it will all work out
It keeps raining! I think the weekend is supposed to be nice. I sure hope so. My kids and their families came in for mother's day last weekend. They brought all the food and did everything. It was very nice. I took my glass of wine, the youngest grandbaby (5 month old Reagen) and sat and enjoyed the goings on. It was muddy and rainy outside, so we had 9 kids running around the house. (Reagan doesn't count... I was holding her) Between the pool table, air hockey, riding tricycles on the porch, and FOOD, they kept pretty busy. It was just nice to have them all together.
I hope everyone has a nice rest of the week!


AliceKay said...

I'm sure the celebration will be good for your dad. And maybe, just maybe, your mom will have those moments where she remembers a truly memorable moment, too. Good luck with the planning and the celebration.

Glad you enjoyed the time with your kids and grandkids. Have a good weekend. (it's raining here this morning...started last night...and more rain is predicted on and off all weekend)

Intense Guy said...

Sounds like a really busy house! I can picture all those little ones playing under foot :) Sounds like a truely happy and blessed home.

I hope your celebration goes smoothly. And second what Alice Kay said about hoping your Mom remembers something here and there that makes her feel "young again".

LadyStyx said...

We had rain last night here too. Supposed to get rain this weekend as well...mostly on the days hubby has off. This sux because we have yardwork to do and alot of it I cant do without him around. *sigh*

Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day.