Monday, August 17, 2009

Last hurrah of the summer

Last Saturday meant a trip to the Missouri State Fair. We didn’t go for the rides. We didn’t go for the concerts. We went because Greg and Alicia asked us to. I’m not much into walking around a dusty, hot, fairgrounds but I usually won’t miss a chance to spend a day with any of my kids and/or grandkids. We stayed off the main drag where the carnival rides, games, etc. are(can’t remember what that is usually called) and spent the day going through the many exhibits of flowers, animals, and crafts.


I fell in love with this orchid. Too bad I kill house plants. Isn’t it beautiful?


Aren’t these guys absolutely beautiful? So proud!


042This was one aggressive bird. I kept trying to put the lens of my camera inside the cage to get a picture without the bars and he came after me with a vengeance. Bad bird! Ok, smart bird. Nobody’s going to eat this guy for Thanksgiving if he has anything to say about it.


Ok, I know – lame picture. But I just thought the goose and turkey heads opposite each other was funny. What would you call a goose crossed with a turkey? A goot?


How many times have I dreamed of putting the grandkids in a cage – just for an hour or two… Now I know what they would look like. And it didn’t hurt him a bit – see, he’s still smiling. (the turkey he is harassing isn’t, though)


They had a Rooster Crowing contest. We actually stood there and waited for 2:00 to come. I wanted to hear all of those roosters crowing at one time. There were eight contestants. I watched the owners working to make the roosters think it was night time. How you ask? One brave fellow kept putting his rooster’s head under his t-shirt. I had my camera ready for the moment the rooster got pissed enough and pecked his belly. Others were holding their hands over the rooster’s eyes. Others were sticking the rooster’s head under its wing (any guesses on how well that worked?) Anyway, finally after waiting and waiting like idiots (it was now 2:30) the announcer said something like “ok everyone let’s hear your roosters crow!” Silence. I swear not a single rooster would crow. Well go figure. I won’t be attending this particular competition again any time soon :)


Regan and Allen during one of our mandatory grandma is tired rests.


The Highway Patrol had a cool display of old patrol cars. Ah the good ol’ days.


Car 54 Where Are You…. (anybody remember that show other than me?)


Somehow seeing this come up behind me would scare the pewiddle out of me. It just looks intimidating – like they are ready to haul me in.


They all wanted to walk through the sheep barns. As the wife of a Shepherd, I didn’t really feel the need to tromp through sheep sh*t. I mean, I can look out my kitchen window and get my fill of the cute not so little critters. So I sat on the bleachers and watched from a distance.


I did walk close enough to the sheep to snap this picture of these longhorn something or other.


The FFA building held all sorts of farm stuff. I’d say some of the pumpkins look a bit anemic (maybe it is the type?) but then they are called FUTURE Farmers of America… Imagine what kind of pumpkins they will be raising 5 years from now. Granddaughter Emily had a photo that was sent in for 4H. Somehow I neglected to take a picture of it on display (bad Grandma – bad Grandma).


When the legs give out, anywhere to sit is just fine. Even a drainage ditch will do nicely. Hey Allen – just let us know when you are ready to go again.


The Department of Conservation had a really cool display of fish tanks. I like this long snooted guy for some reason. I’m sure if Jim was here he could tell me what kind of fish it is. But he isn’t, so you’ll just have to guess.


I just like the looks of little ones from behind. Reagan is checking out the fish tank but somehow I missed getting the fish in the picture entirely.


You would think after three kids of my own and 10 grandkids that I would learn to never say the words “say cheese”…. apparently I’m a very slow learner. Say cheese Reagan!


We had 6 yr old Allen stand in front of this majestic tree to give you some idea of the size. I believe it is a cypress but don’t hold me to that.


Alicia ordered dinner for her family. Look at this awesome turkey drumstick. We all ended up snacking on it before the meal was done. I wish I had another one right now.


This is what Greg ended up with. So Greg, who wears the pants in your family? Alicia claims she didn’t know but I don’t know… My belly still hurts from laughing at them.


Allen’s no dummy – he’s going to share with mom.


They say timing is everything. No sooner than we stopped for supper the skies opened up. We thought the rain would just blow through but after finishing our food and fighting off all the other people wanting our table, we finally gave up and headed out.


Time to call it a day. Reagan was drenched but didn’t mind a bit. She had her passie and her ride. All is good in her little world.

We were bone tired Saturday night, but it was a good tired. I’m glad the State Fair only comes around once a year.


Anonymous said...

Love her smile!!!

Lol'd at the boy behind the cage after scrolling through all the birds in cages!

AliceKay said...

What wonderful family pictures again. I just love seeing your pictures. :)

The kids are adorable. The animals ain't too bad either. LOL

I'm glad you had a good time at the fair.

Funny in My Mind said...

I just realized that although I read your blog, I wasn't an official follower of yours. I am now!
I have never gone to the fair in Sedalia (that was where you were right?)I am amused by the chickens and turkeys too! We are going to have to get together sometime! It would be a hoot!

Anonymous said...

Punkn, your blogs are amusing, and the pictures just add to the story. I think the fish picture might have been a Gar. I can't remember if it's called a long nose gar, or long billed.

Deanna said...

LOL yaya, I had to go back and look at the cage pictures. It was funnier the second time.

AK aren't all kids adorable? Animals too for that matter! We did have a great time - thanks.

Funny I'm glad you are following now. Yea we were in Sedalia. Our son and his wife went to State Fair Community College years ago and like to go back. It would be a hoot to meet you and definitely possible.

Land hugssss. I'm glad you enjoy reading my blogs. I love taking pictures (my family runs from me) and have to do something with them! It is a gar. Jim took one look and said "that's a gar". I should have known that...

Nana said...

Oh, that post was too cute!!! Did you buy a cage? I would say I know who wears the pants in that family, ha ha ha and that's the way it should be. LOL.

I love love love the fair and now I can't wait for ours to hit town. I never do the rides either.

Karla said...

It's called a midway Deanna..the rides and games area..midway. And yes it's a gar..Has watched my daddy cuss enough about gar's getting on his trot line LOL

I love the fair..but know

Intense Guy said...

Hmm... a Gookey or a Turgoose... and would it say, "Gobonk!" or "Honkle!"?

..and why do they call them "drumsticks"? I mean I've never, ever considered playing a drum with a Turkey leg.

I'm gonna be up late at night 'cause of this...


I think my favorite picture is Reagan in the stroller... so cute and so content with life.

*Hugs* Thanks for the smiles!

LadyStyx said...

*tosses a vote in for a Gurkey and heads to the next entry*

.oO(dang I'm so far behind...stupid Comcast and their outages!)

Toriz said...

Seems like everyone had fun. :)

Queenie Jeannie said...

I LOVE state fairs!! So much to do and see! Looks like you all had a fantastic time. Really loved the pictures you shared!!!

Sherri Murphy said...

I love to see photos- I'm so nosy- the kids are beautiful and I feel the same way about never wanting to miss a day with them. (I have no grandkids yet, but I love spending time with my grown sons)

The Wife O Riley said...

I love any kind of fair! We are going to a county fair on Labor day. Styx is playing and I can't wait to see all the animals. I love looking at the little beds and stuff people put next to the animals so they can sleep by them.

The place with the rides is called the Midway.

ChicagoLady said...

Looks like you saw a lot and enjoyed yourselves. It's always fun to see things through the eyes of a child.