Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Time Out

time out

I’ve fought against it.

I’ve tried to pretend it isn’t necessary.

I thought if I just moved a little faster, I’d find a way.

I thought that if I just stayed up a few extra hours every night, I’d “get “er done”

Now I’m just thinking… what was I thinking!  I can’t get it all done!  I have so many unfinished projects that it is unreal.

Things like embroidery jobs for very understanding customers.  Yes I said customers.  I’m starting to catch up there but the jobs keep pouring in.  I’m not complaining, but I’m not keeping up.

And then it is the photo job I started.  There are 37 years of photos that years ago I carefully placed in albums with magnetic pages.  You know the kind.  The kind that stuck the photo solid and then slowly ate away at it.  I’m carefully removing them from the albums and scanning each and every photo.  What a walk down memory lane!  How time consuming.  But it will be worth the time it took.  Right?  Right?  Please say right!!!!!

And I have to get the Liturgical Roles, the monthly Calendar, and of course the weekly bulletin done at Church next week.  I haven’t even gotten the bulletin done for this week!  Remember, this is a very, very part time job.  And of course it is a holiday week, so I have 2 days to accomplish this, plus update the web site.  Nobody will notice if there is no bulletin or calendar, right?  And does it matter if nobody knows what they are scheduled to do?  And it doesn’t matter if the web site doesn’t get updated.  Right?  Right???? Please say right!!!!!!

But I think what finally put me over the edge is I am getting company for Thanksgiving.   Jim’s sister and her family are heading our way for a visit.  I found out yesterday.  I’m thrilled that they are coming to visit.  They are coming exactly a week from today.  And they plan on staying 4 days.   I’ve been so busy with all of the other things I’m not getting done that I’ve also not been getting my cleaning done.  I need to clean!  They won’t notice if I don’t, though, right?  Right?  Please say right!!!!!


Oh and I need to cook.  Right?  Please say nah, you don’t need to cook.  In addition to day to day meals for guests (3 days worth), plus 24 for Thanksgiving, I think I’d better plan on cooking.   Actually I love to cook, but once again, it takes time.  I’m wazzing here! 

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone and remember…. we have so much to be thankful for.  Even when things are not going the way we want, we have much to be thankful for. 

I am thankful for my loving family.  I am thankful that mom and dad are safe in heaven with God.  I am thankful for this great country.  I am thankful for my health.  I am thankful to have wonderful internet friends.  I thank God every day for all of my blessings.


PictureGirl said...

God bless you and your family and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Don't stress too much for it always works out, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your Holiday! You deserve it!!


Funny in My Mind said...

Throw together those white enchiladas I made (recipe link on my blog) and a few other casseroles, refrigerate and throw in the oven when needed. Or grab a large frozen Stouffers lasagna. mmmmm
Have a great time.

Jan Holt said...

I am thankful for you. Forget about all those lists and just kick back and eat bon bons!

Anonymous said...

Wow Punkn you are definitely gonna be busy for the holiday, but I do wish you luck and hope you have a great time. As far as projects go I so understand, I have started quite a few myself and they keep piling up its not even funny lol Your too funny girl I know thats RIGHT lol. HUGS

Leah said...

Sounds like you have a lot of projects going on! I'm also trying to do the picture scanning project. It's so tedious! And I have so many pictures. Ahh. . . someday! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Well Punkn, the first thing to do is take a deep breath. Then I would think that your jobs would take priority. I think the church might notice if they don't have a calendar or something to tell the congregation what's going on. Plan some very simple meals for your guests. Spaghetti, stew, slow cooker stuff maybe, so you don't have to tend to it much. I'm sure your guests won't mind a little dust on the tables. If they do, tough.

Intense Guy said...

A timeout seems to be the thing to do - the most important thing in life is having shared times with your loved ones - and sharing meals with them...

I think I'll take a time out too - but I'll be thinking about you and hoping you get some pictures we can all oooh and ahhh over.

Karla said...

well all I got to say is we will miss you but we are very understanding at the time outs thing. And yes Right on everything and Nah on the cooking :-) Just cause that's what you asked for...
Honestly I never understood the bulletin thing at church anyway cause the preacher (err priest in your case) is gonna announce it anyway. *shrugs*


the pictures will be worth it

AliceKay said...

If it was my church, I would miss the bulletin. :p

Good luck with your projects. Sounds like you are one busy little bee. So much to do and so little time. I've been feeling the pinch, too.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. You deserve it. And even if you do love to cook, let others help out when you need them to or if they offer to. I'm sure you could use the help. (wow...24, huh?)

God Bless!

junyah said...

The one thing i have noticed about retirement is there isn't enought time in the day to get things done, and i said retirement too.I have more to do in a day than i did when i worked a full 50 hr, week and i still got things like the lawn mowed, shop floor painted things that took up time but they always got done and i even found the time to cuddle with the wife.. Hugs ya JR

Toriz said...

Stop, breathe in.... Hey! Don't forget to breathe out again... That part's very important!

OK, feel better? Right, good! Now you can think clearly enough to realise that all you need to do is prioritize tasks, get the most important ones - or ones with the shortest deadlines - done first. Then, and only then,, you can do the other tasks. And when things calm down... The blogs will still be right here where you left them! :)

Queenie Jeannie said...

Hugs honey!!!

I think we all feel this way, and especially during the holidays. Sometimes I get so frantic and harried that I totally forget to ENJOY the whole darn thing. How horrible!

I know my family would remember if I played with them much more so than if I made tons of fancy "extras" for the Thanksgiving meal. Sometimes you just have to figure out what's really important and just let the rest of it go!!!

Not easy though, lol!

Anonymous said...

24 people??? Holy cow. Good luck girl!

Nana said...

Oh boy you sound like me.

Happy Thanksgiving. Maybe you can take a time out today. ha ha ha ha ha.

LadyStyx said...


Pictures can wait...better yet delegate! Anything that can be delegated, do.

Anonymous said...

quite interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you guys learn that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.