Saturday, February 6, 2010

So little snow and yet… Grounded!

We got sleet, snow and that dreaded “wintery mix” yesterday.  Snow doesn’t usually stop me from driving.  But sleet is an entirely different animal.

My original plan was to wait for it to stop snowing  and then go to work.  When the mix of sleet, snow and rain started in, the light bulb finally came on and I realized the weather was going to win and I needed to suck it up and just get going while I still could.

Did I mention that we live in the country?  Well, we live in the country on a gravel road.  Our road is one of the last to be bladed.  Our driveway usually gets bladed (thank you Jim) before our road.  But Jim was at work, and neither the drive or gravel road had been bladed.  So I knew it would be slick.

Halfway down the drive I realized I forgot my cell phone.  I tapped my brakes.  I kept going.  Tap, tap, tap.  I finally stop.  Now I am creeping to the end of the drive to turn around on the flat part of the road and back up far enough to get a run at the drive, so I can go back home for my cell phone.  I made it this far back up the drive.


Past experience has taught me that more times than not this drive wins.  And one of the things I love about my job as Church Secretary is that I work on my time schedule, with the one real deadline being that the bulletin needs to be in place by no later than 5:00 pm on Saturday.  So I made the executive decision to stay home.


Looking to the heavens, I head out on foot.


It is a short walk, but I still can’t resist my “I’m disgusted” look.  I used to be a master of this look, but with my kids grown and gone, I’m a bit out of practice.  Watch out Jim, I need to perfect “the look” again and I need someone to practice on!

The part of this that really sucked is if I could have just gotten to the black top, it was clear! 

I hope all of my friends all over the country are safe and warm.  This storm system has not been a nice one at all.


Janet said...

What we got here basically melted, and it's above freezing now. I had to work. Bah. I drive a VW Bug too. :-)

Funny in My Mind said...

I adore the hood! And the face? Priceless. We had it too but I think you got the worst this time. I wanted a bug so bad but for a 2nd car because it isn't big enough for every day. Do you love yours?

Anonymous said...

Slushy by day and icy by night. It's a bit treacherous out there!

The Blue Ridge Gal

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Hey!!...that's the way we are.....if we can get to the blacktops..they are usually's just that 400' drive straight down with a few curves, that's a bummer

Stay warm and Enjoy...LindaMay

Queenie Jeannie said...

Well, you have a really cool little car!! Love it! Hugs and sending you warm, cocoa wishes!!!

betty said...

LOL; you'll need to find a place to stash your adorable looking car closer to the end of your driveway and then get a snowmobile or something to ride down to it when the weather is icky like this. I would rather drive on snow than ice for sure; so slippery out in those conditions

stay safe :)


LadyStyx said... coulda been much worse...

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone stays safe and warm also punkn, sorry you didn't make it out your drive, you have a good day girl :o)

MarmiteToasty said...

sounds like you are having the snow that was dumped on us about 3 weeks ago :) go build a snowman and enjoy LOL


AliceKay said...

Sure looks slippery out there. Snow is much easier to drive in. It's hard to control a vehicle on sleet and ice.

We didn't get anything from that storm Friday night and Saturday...not even a trace of snow. I guess we were far enough north...and very lucky. We had sunshine on and off yesterday, too. Woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground and cars this morning. There was snow in the air all morning, but the sun is back out at the moment. It's quite cold and windy out there, tho.

Love the hood. Looks nice and warm. :)

junyah said...

Im looking at the pictures of the car setting on the side of the driveway and i cant figure out how you got there..there's only what an inch of sleet or snow must be froosen sleet. the slippery kind..
i was looking at what pappa has where he lives someplace around DC, He's Buried lol him and Ladystyx and Molly.
Driveing in snow isn't all that hard to do.Guess im just used to it after all these years.Sleet and freeseing ice can be tricky driveing ...Hey what ever the case Take it easy and remeber . It all melts by the first of May...Hugs and a squeese... JR

Nana said...

I love your disgusted face. Cute coat BTW.

Winter can do that to ya!

Anonymous said...

very useful post. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did any one hear that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.

Queenie Jeannie said...

You poor thing!! So much snow for you guys this winter. More hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

quite interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did any one hear that some chinese hacker had busted twitter yesterday again.

Rita said...

Must have been really slick and slippery! Good thing you can kind of choose your hours and could walk back--even if it was a disgusted stomp back--hehe!

We've had a light steady snow for days in Fargo--which is very slippery--cars in the ditches. I'm glad I could be inside crafting--hehe!--and avoid the weather altogether! ;)

Intense Guy said...

A little snow might of actually helped you get some traction. I got about ... umm.. 11 inches of it if you want any.

I like the furry hood too! It frames your face well (and no, you don't look at all "mean" to me... you really got to work on that expression...)



we are not warm but safe

getting 6-10 inches as i type

bring on the cocoa and cookies

Toriz said...

Hope you start getting some better weather soon!

ChicagoLady said...

Love your plate! Buggy! LOL

Glad you were able to get stopped safely, even if you didn't make it all the way back up the drive. Always better to be safe than sorry.

Queenie Jeannie said...

We finally got our snow too. Sooooo many traffic accidents. Many Southerners should not be on the road when it's clear, much less when there's snow!! Terrible drivers over here!!!!