Saturday, September 25, 2010


  Sept 2010 014 

When she was a kitten, Shelby and her brother, Chance, about tore the house apart.  Chance was relegated to become a mouser in our barns and Shelby the Queen of the homestead.  We lost Chance several years ago, but Shelby lives on. 

Sept 2010 025

“Don’t mess with me”

Shelby never was much of a "people" cat, mostly keeping to herself.  Her big thing was meowing for us to leave the faucet run just a little so she could bat at the water and spray herself.  She also would cry for me to leave the shower door cracked just a bit, for the same reason.

Unbelievably, this summer Shelby started going down hill a bit.  Well, that part isn't unbelievable, but what is, is the fact that we decided to let her go outside, thinking the fresh air would do her good.  And she has thrived!  She stays very close to the house and even hops into my lap when we sit on the porch of an evening - something she has never been known to do.

Sept 2010 013

I hope I look this good when I am a Centenarian!


betty said...

she is a very nice looking cat. I don't know much about cats, never having had one as a pet. I wonder if she had a bit of wanderlust in her that wanted to be out in the "wide open" rather than confined to the house. I hope she is part of your family for a very long time.


Anonymous said...

Oh goodness this post touched my heart, I loved reading about your Shelby, I think that is so cute how she wants you to leave the faucet on so she can splash herself, thanks for sharing her with us, hope you have a happy Sunday HUGS

Tonia said...

I am glad it helped her! How funny she actually jumped into your lap.. Cats are strange creatures!

AliceKay said...

I love cats. Been around cats all my life. I was getting a bit worried about Shelby midway thru your post, but was relieved to hear she is thriving now, doing much better, and is enjoying time with you. That was the bestest news. :)

Rita said...

Shelby sure has a love of water! That made me giggle. Glad she is still with you and enjoying the outdoors. You know a cat trusts you when it jumps on your lap. ;)

Hope she's around for as long as possible. She is obviously loved. :)

Unknown said...

Such a sweet face she has. Cats have a many different personalities as they have color arrangements on their bodies. Their colors have always fascinated me.

junyah said...

Same thing happens to This (* This Ole Cat*) .leave me in the house for days and i start to go downhill, but turn me outside for awhile and life has an all new outlook HUgs U JR....snickers..

Vicki Lane said...

She looks a lot like my Miss Susie Hutchins -- who also insists on having the faucet turned on.

Intense Guy said...

So many old cats "in the news" today - I've had a bad cold so I'm only now catching up.

Marmite Toasty just lost her 15 year old cat shortly after her birthday and a friend of Tori's lost her 22 year old cat on or near the same day.

Its never easy seeing a loved one start to fail - or pass away.

I hope Shelby has a few more good years in her - and I hope YOU get to be a centarian and half!

Toriz said...

I hope Shelby has a few good years left in her yet!

Nancy said...

What a nice story. I recently read some family newsletters I wrote many years ago and I was telling everyone how playful our cats Sylvie and her brother Taffy were. When they played chase they ran across our laps and even sleeping bodies. Taffy has been gone for a while but Sylvie is doing well at seventeen. She no longer races around but she likes to lie under the bird feeder and keep watch.

jewelzmomof4 said...

Oh MY SHELBY!!!! I love that cat so much!! I still like to turn the water on for her in the bathroom...well I did till she was let outside lol. She might not have been a people person but she would climb on my lap quite often and snuggle when I would be in my room. She didn't want anyone to know she secretly like to snuggle lol. I am going to shed many many tears when she does go but I am going to love every minute she is still here with us.

Queenie Jeannie said...

What a lovely cat!! I guess she just needed to spread her wings a bit. My newest furfriend will probably be an always-outside cat. I'd love to have her IN with me, but I don't think she is up for it. Maybe when it gets colder?? She sat on my lap for 30 minutes this morning and it was heaven!!!!

Lifeofkaylen said...

She's cute! And she actually looks like she's an older cat, like she's been wizened by the years. I think being outside brings about a sense of youthfulness!