Thursday, January 13, 2011


I haven't felt like blogging lately.  Actually, I haven't felt like doing much of anything.  I've been telling myself that I am in a state of doldrums.  Doldrums is such a strange sounding word - almost comical.  Where in the world do we come up with words such as this and what is the doldrums anyway?  According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary it is:

1.   a spell of listlessness or despondency

2.  often capitalized : a part of the ocean near the equator abounding in calms, squalls, and light shifting winds

3.   a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or slump

I have no idea about number 2, but number 1 and 3 apply.  Definitely. 

Better than the definition, though, is the origin:  akin to Old English dol foolish

Now that I can relate to!  It is foolish to let myself stagnate like I have been, doing as little as possible.  So it is time to pull myself up by the bootstraps (yeah, I'll have to research the origins of that one next) and get my patooty motivated again.

So, snow or no snow (I'd definitely prefer no snow, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen) - I'm going to get back into the regular blogging mindset again.  I will get motivated by becoming a list person again and striking one big thing off my list every day.  The good news is I have so far kept my two resolutions.  I'm actually starting to like working out - sorta, kinda, maybe.  And it isn't that hard to watch my calories - at least not so hard now that I finished the 1/2 gallon of Jamoca Almond Fudge Icecream that was in the refrigerator.

So how about it.  Is anybody else out there experiencing the doldrums?  If so, what are you going to do to get yourself motivated?  If nothing else, just think of the origin of the name, grin, and get moving again!


Nana said...

Yes, Yes, Yes. I think it's the weather. The busy time of year that we just went through. I don't know. Just keep on keepin on.

Toriz said...

I hate feeling like that... But I'm feeling exactly like that at the moment. I'm thinking a combination of after effects from being so sick, miserable weather, and the fact that - for some unknown reason - this time of year seems to do this to people. I think it's because all the hype of the holidays are over, so there's a period of nothing exciting happening?

AliceKay said...

It was nice to see a new post from you. The beautiful pictures on your header really caught my attention. Great shot of the sunset thru the trees, by the way. (or maybe it was a sunrise?)

Doldrums. Hmm. There's a chat room I visited Sunday night that you might want to visit sometime. We need to get a bunch of the old gang in there to keep the DJ company and catch up with each other. I'll email you with the details. :)

junyah said...

I thought it was part of growing old, lol.I had to drive to Togus today,thats the head hospital for Veterans in Maine,its in a town called Chelsea about 85 miles or 1 1/2 hours drive.By the time i got back around 12;30,(my appointmnet was ( 9 am) i was pretty tired. It used to be i could drive all the way down home and back in a day.( 185 miles one way) Guess ive been tied down here for to long. i dont care to drive like i used to either. Maybe its the doldrums. Y.O.P. Junyah

spacegirl60 said...

Keeping life exciting is a challange. You have so much going on in your life you are allowed a short period of "doldrums". You know things will change shortly. Take the time to keep working on your list and before you know it...boom! You're back in action again!

Anonymous said...

oh I definitely get the doldrums and I think I experience it everyday lol I guess I get out of mine when I finally do get off me butt and do something crafty, I have not stuck to my exercise plan but I am going to do everything in my power to do that next week, Im only talking 30 minutes 5 times a day that isnt too much right? lol Good luck with getting out of your slump and have a wonderful weekend HUGS

Vicki Lane said...

Doldrums, ennui, cabin fever -- too much snow and short dark days and a house just a tad too chilly for comfort tend to make me stay in place once the absolutely necessary chores are done. A good person might use the time to organize tax stuff or clean out closets or some other worthy project. Hmmmm... Maybe tomorrow.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I think everyone experiences the doldrums on occasion. Sometime they last a little longer than we would like. The good thing is they do go away.

Rita said...

The past few days, yes. With the fibro the slumps come and go all year round, tho--ROFL! Lists hve always helped me. I like that word--doldrums. ;)

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Seems all the commenters have the doldrums. Can't say I do, but than I love staying inside when it's cold. I had to run to town yesterday and hatead it (except for the fact I got to go by myself and went to 2 antique shops, Salvation army and goodwill). If I could just pay someone to get my groceries I would.
I'm still quilting away. We are going to have to make another play date for you to come out. Next week Srah will be here and I am having a shower for her on thursday.
Trust me, this quilt will be in the frame a while!

Rural Rambler said...

Doldrums. Yep, I got em. I appear to not be motivated to get rid of them either. I want to walk outside and hear the birds and not see snow or feel cold. I have cabin fever. I have not felt like blogging. We are having our family Christmas tomorrow-Strange. I am ready for a trip to Florida!

Hang in there Deanna!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The winter blahs, yep I sorta have them. I can't get myself motivated to start on the closet cleaning that I want to get done. And I've even begun to get a little tired of sitting in front of the computer. It's really the sitting more than the reading. I'm so ready for spring and good weather so I can get outside and get some fresh air! Hurry spring!

Intense Guy said...

Even #2 works... think of the ocean without any winds and being on a sailboat... you sit and maybe rock a little - with just enough creaking and groaning to keep you awake but ... stuck in place...

Hugs - I guess even doldrums have their place in the great scheme of things... a time to recharge... I am often reminded by someone that "excitement" is a BAD thing in some professions.. like police work.


Queenie Jeannie said...

You need to get yourself one of those Blue Light Specials!!! LOL, well that's what I call mine anyway!