Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Check for corn

This checklist adds up to great things to come this winter:
ü  Fresh sweet corn from the farmer down the road - $4 a dozen
ü  A sweet hubby willing to shuck the sweet corn while I am at work
ü  A big pot of boiling water for blanching said corn
ü  A big bowl of ice water for cooling the corn down after blanching
ü  A nice sharp knife to cut the corn off the cob
ü  A pan to cut the corn into
ü  A big spoon to spoon  corn into freezer bags
ü  And, of course, a freezer to freeze said corn in

I freeze things in small quantities these days – you know, just enough to feed two old folk.  It is just a simple matter of taking more than one package from the freezer if we are having a “guess who’s coming to dinner?” day.
A year or so ago while whiling the time away in a Dr’s office, I happened onto an article about Jamie Lee Curtis.  Since I like Jamie Lee Curtis, I read it.  The two things I got out of the article is that she is OCD and all items in her freezer are frozen flat so that they stack evenly.  Now whenever possible I flatten my freezer foods into as even as possible, flat as possible, little pancakes.  How’s that for a tip for the day?
So what did you do last night after a hard day at work?  - that is if you spent a hard day at work.
I spent 3 hours at the Dr’s with one of the grandsons, plus an hour drive each way.  All is well, but I don’t believe there is anything more tiring than a day at the Dr’s.  Shoot, there weren’t even any interesting articles with great tips in them!  Bummer.


ChicagoLady said...

Mmmm, someone's going to be eating yummy corn this winter!

I never knew Jamie Lee Curtis is OCD. Interesting bit of trivia.

AliceKay said...

First of all, what happened with one of your grandsons?

I used to freeze vegetables from the garden, and I'd always put them in bags and flatten them out as much as possible. (they do stack easier) I don't think there's anything quite as messy or as sticky as freezing sweet corn. I know it'll taste good this winter, tho.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Corn! It's a good thing. Glad mine is all finsihed and in the freezer, just wish I would have known the flat thingee!!
I found a good local magazine on local houses while BT was in the doctors office today. I could look at houses all day!
And yes we are still dealing with those delayed pressure hives. Off to a specialist . . . wait not until Sept 6, what the heck!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Like Patti said, frozen corn is a good thing! I used to freeze lots of it and it was so good. I used a recipe that called for the corn cut off the cob and heated with the butter, etc, and then when cooled, put in containers and freeze. Best corn I ever had that was frozen. Enjoy your corn!

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Didn't do much of anything last night...but...tonight i've got beans and squash to put up...!!


Pix at Under the Oaks said...

We LOVE corn!! And I am OCD :)about some things. My freezer is pretty dang organized. I need to have a job to keep my mind busy, busy, busy!

Intense Guy said...

I love corn, am OCD, would never freeze any (its just me in this house) and yeah, what's wrong with that doctor that they don't have some interesting (even if ancient) magazines in the waiting room?

Hope the grandkiddy is fine today!

Toriz said...

Mmmm... Corn!

Great tip! :)

Vicki Lane said...

I froze the last of our corn a few days ago -- but I'd never thought about flattening the bags. Good tip!

Anonymous said...

Oh that makes me so hungry and I know it is just gonna taste oh so good :o) I sure hope you have a wonderful weekend punkn HUGS!

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GardenOfDaisies said...

I need to freeze things in small amounts too. I'm still getting used to just the two of us being here.