Wednesday, December 7, 2011

This and that

No Radar, I don't have time to come out and play with you!

I'm too busy making a mess working
Some customer had the nerve to want these shirts by tomorrow - and then when  I called to tell him they were ready he apologized for not calling... he now doesn't need them until next week!

So I stared out the window and pondered... then decided I'd rather be inside working than outside playing.

Does fluffing up like this really keep our feathered friends warmer?

Happiness is an evening with my 91 year old Uncle Cy

Even happier when the rest of my Aunts and Uncles are there two.  Of eight children, these four are still keeping us all in line.

Did someone say Christmas is coming?  Am I insane to be making all of my Christmas cards this year?  This picture is prelude to another post.
Red solo cups all lined up - gosh somebody ought to write a song about that.  Oh wait, they already did!

This pile of kids created the red solo cup mess.  I see a blog post out of this one.


Osage Bluff Quilter said...

That red solo cup song is so cool!
I talked to your SIL Barbara today at Aldi's, Tom kind of got in on the conversation. I forgot until later to tell him, WAIT your sister and I are friends!!!

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I think that red csolo cup song is a fun one too. Espcially when it talks about writing your name on it. We've all done that. At least the shirts are done now that you've broken a land speed record to make it happen for him.

Do enjoy the rest of the holiday season.

ChicagoLady said...

A friend had told me about Toby Keith's "Red Solo Cup" song, which I watched on YouTube. Then today, I heard about Glee doing their version of it. Thanks for posting the video so I don't have to go searching for it! LOL

AliceKay said...

Don't you just love customers like that? We have the same problem. They call and want their feed ASAP so we stop what we're doing and get it made only to have them show up much later than they said (or even a day later) to pick it up. :\

Looks like you've been pretty busy. Been wondering where you've been lately.

Nice family photos. :)

I almost posted the video for Toby Keith's "Red Solo Cup" song when it first came out, but I didn't get to it. This is a cute cover.

betty said...

Loved the picture of you, Deanna, with Uncle Cy and the other family pictures! What a project with those shirts and then the guy having the day wrong. Oh well, at least they are down! I liked the robin and the snow on the ground! Radar looked cute out there!

How neat that you are making your Christmas cards, Deanna. I bet they will come out great!!!

have a great Thursday!


Rita said...

Love the pics of you and family!
Never heard the Red Solo Cup song...what a hoot!
I hate when people demand things in a hurry and then change their minds. Only good thing about that is that they are already done. So you might be able to go outside and play with Radar. ;)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Great photos of you and your family, Deanna. The solo cup song is neat!
Enjoy the rest of the week. At least the shirts are done!

Pix, totally overwhelmed said...

Deanna I enjoyed your this and that and it's great to see you with your Uncle Cy! Why does it have to be so crazy making this time of year? Why can't we slow down and enjoy it-coming from someone who has one, ONE gift bought!

Vicki Lane said...

Such a fun post -- a definite pre-holiday look to it! And how lucky to are still to have older family members -- it felt strange and a bit lonely when I realized that I was the older generation.

Steve Skinner said...

Despite his puffed up feathers, the bird looks cold to me!

Intense Guy said...

Poor Radar... All them folks in that warm log cabin and no one to play with... or perhaps he wanted his own red solo cup and to join in the song - I bet he has a wonderful baritone. :)

Uncle Cy and youse are looking GOOD!!!

Some customers... huh? and they say 'they are always right'...


Queenie Jeannie said...

So much goodness, all in one post!!!

Your poor doggy looks sad that you won't come out and play with him!

RUDE customer!!! Sheesh!

Gorgeous, fantabulous cards honey!!! WOW!!!! You are rockin' 'em!

Great family photos! You are a blessed woman!!!

Toriz said...

Some people are just plain rude! But, now that's done quicklyy you can play with Radar and enjoy the family! :)

Ausgrl said...

Hi there it has been awhile. I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy new year.. I pop on every now and then and read the blogs. Hopefully one day another chat room will open up.. Anyway have a wonderful christmas season to you and your family. Love always Mandy