Thursday, April 24, 2008


Jim and I started dating in 1969. We were both Juniors in High School. He attended the local public high school and I attended the Parochial High School. This picture is of us going to the ROTC Ball at the local University where Jim was a Freshman. My mom made the dress I am wearing. She made ALL of my clothes. The first store-bought piece of clothing I owned, other than my undies, was my first pair of jeans. But, I digress.
The real reason for this blog was gas prices. All the buzz about the current ridiculous cost of gas made me think back to when Jim and I were dating. Jim owned a 1960 VW Carmengia (how I wish we had kept that car!) Gas cost around 30 cents a gallon. I don't remember for sure but I think the car got around 35 mpg. We would each contribute 50 cents for gas and we could cruise the boulevard all night long! We had so much fun in that car. I don't remember how many miles it had on it, but it had seen better days. The starter was out, so we would always have to park on a hill and "jump start" it to get going. Many times I would get behind the wheel and Jim would push until we got the car going. Thank goodness it was a standard transmission, huh. One of our favorite past times was to drive country roads. Use your imagination... hmmm, we were just kids ya know. I have a picture of that Carmengia somewhere... Our car was our get away. Now gas costs close to $4 a gallon and cars get 15 or so mpg...


Intense Guy said...

*wolf whistles*

That Jim is a lucky guy :)

My brother had a 1966 VW Beattle with manual shift that ran forever on a tank of gas - back when it was about 32 cents a gallon.

Picture of a Karmann Ghia!

Wilhelm Karmann was a German car body maker, and the Ghia was a VW Beattle "underneath". Karmann did the body styling for the American Motor's Javelin. (Ugh!)

*goes back to the blog and wolf whistles some more*

Deanna said...

lol I knew I spelled that wrong, but I was too lazy to look it up. *dances to all the whistling going on*

LadyStyx said...

What a beautiful dress. Much better work than I ever did. Never would I have ever attempted the netting on the arms....

ChicagoLady said...

I won't mention how old LadyStyx and I were in 1969, lmao!