Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It missed us

Ahhh, we will be having strawberries and cherries this summer after all. The freeze they promised missed us. My yard looked like ghost land with all the sheets draped everywhere.


AliceKay said...

I'm glad you didn't get the cold temps that were predicted for your area. According to the weatherman, we're expected to have a freeze tonight. I'll need to cover my rhododedren or else all of the remaining blossoms will be gone, gone, gone. :(

Intense Guy said...


The strawberry shortcake season was saved!

ChicagoLady said...

I remember as a child, after the tomato and pepper plants had been planted, if there was a frost warning, we'd all go outside with some old blankets my dad kept in the basement, and some bamboo sticks with twist-ties, to cover them up so they wouldn't die.