Thursday, April 17, 2008

Yesterday was a beautiful day here. I walked the gravel road by our house. It has several steep hills and I was panting by the time I got back home. Now if I can just make myself continue the exercise.

After I recovered from my much needed exercise, I headed into work at church for awhile. For many years Mom and dad and mom's brothers and sisters have had a tradition of meeting at McDonald's at 3:00 every day for coffee and fun. Dad has still been trying to take mom but it is too much for him to handle her by himself. So, I headed into town in time to go to McDonalds. Those old people sure keep Mac's hopping! Then back to their house where I fixed supper for them . I've found that it is the little things, like cooking for them, that seems to relieve dad a lot.

Little did I know that when I got back hom, I would find Jim in the yard clearing limbs and trees from last winter's ice storm. So, Jim manned the chain saw and I hauled wood for a couple of hours. After we were done I looked around me and sighed. I couldn't tell we had made any progress at all. It will take weeks of that kind of work to get things cleaned up. Oh well, one step at a time.

By the time I fixed our supper, I was almost (but not quite) too tired to eat. Jim and I have an agreement that I cook and he cleans up. I didn't do another darn thing the rest of the night!

This morning I am sore as the dickens from all the things I did yesterday. But it is a good sore. We are supposed to get rain today and tomorrow and then it should be a gorgeous weekend. I can handle a forecast like that. I'm planning on watching Austin (3) and Dakota (5) Friday night and Saturday so that Julie can have a much needed night off from her day to day mothering.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


LadyStyx said...

Wow Im tired just readin about it.

The trip to McD's reminds me of visiting with hubby's folks. Every morning around 730-8am (at the latest...I suspect they go earlier when we're not visiting) they go to Hardees for breakfast. Lemme say that again EVERY.DAMN.DAY. Not bad enough it's everyday but they spend nearly two hours there eating and visiting with people they know (they're in Smalltown, USA where just about everyone knows eveyone else... assuming they arent related in one way or another). Down right drives me nuts to be in a fast food place that long. Shoot I dont even stay in a sit-down restaurant that long unless it's a large party or a meeting....

Intense Guy said...

Its nice having a routine. :) And nice its with family.


And keep on keeping on!**

**Copyrighted by Punkn

AliceKay said...

Today was a beautiful day here. It reached 76F. I spent a good majority of the afternoon and early evening removing storm windows and washing the other windows inside and out. Cleaned the ceiling fan in this room so I could breathe. It was too warm in here otherwise. My neck and back are feeling it tonight tho. :\