Tuesday, October 7, 2008

An angel in heaven

God called another angel home to join His choir of heavenly angels yesterday. My mom passed away in her sleep Tuesday evening. She is finally a peace.

I am sitting here scratching my head trying to figure out why he wanted her as part of his choir, though. You see, I've never heard her sing! When she was a little girl her mom told her she couldn't sing - so she never would. I figure God knew her mom was wrong and that he has her up there in heaven leading the choir. Well, maybe not. But I do know that she with God, smiling down on me.

We are all doing pretty darn good here and after a day of doing what has to be done, I feel good, knowing we did our best.

I am going to spend the rest of my evening finding some photos to put on a board at the funeral home. I am so thankful that several years ago I spent weeks going through old photo albums and scanning the best of the pictures. My mom was a seamstress, making clothes for my sister and me and anyone else who asked her to. The suit we chose for her to be buried in is one she made for herself quite sometime ago, but it is just SO her! I plan on displaying her late 1940's vintage featherweight sewing machine at the funeral home with a backdrop of pictures of people in clothes that mom made. It is the only sewing machine she ever used. I then plan on bringing the sewing machine home with me. My sister and I are the only two girls and since sis couldn't sew a straight line if her life depended on it, I figure the machine is mine. Right? Well, I will get her ok, but I don't think that will be a problem. It is the only thing belonging to mom that I really want. Sis can have her jewelry and anything else she wants.

Well, it has been a long day and will probably be a longer night. Thank you dear friends for all your sweet comments - because I know there will be sweet comments. You are just that kinda friends. Huge hugs all around!


LadyStyx said...

My deepest condolences for your loss hun *HUGZ*

Psalms 66:1 says to make a Joyful noise....it does NOT say it has to be a particularly good or pretty sound, just that it should be JOYFUL. Maybe she's up there to teach the new angels that? ;)

sexy41 said...

Am so sorry to hear about your loss. Am here if you need me.



Intense Guy said...

Perhaps she is in the bell choir - each note - rings out in celebration of God's works.

In the too short time you have shared your mother with us, I have learned that she was an extraordinary person.

My heart and my tears are with you and your family. *Hugs*

ChicagoLady said...

I am so sorry for your loss. You have shared so much of your mom and yourself with us, that I feel this loss deeply.

She may not have been able to sing a note here on Earth, but in Heaven everyone is perfect, so I'm sure she's singing the most beautiful of tunes, waiting for the day when the rest of her family can join her and hear it.

May God continue to bless you and your family.

AliceKay said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, Punkn. As the others have said, you shared so much with us that the loss is felt by all of us. Your arrangements for her funeral sound very special. I'll keep you, your dad, and all of your family in my thoughts and prayers. Your mom is at peace now, Punkn. *hugs*

junyah said...

So sorry to hear about your Mom Punkies, thats so sad. Your mom lived a long life, mine died when i was a youngen and so life wasn't as full as it could have been. Take care and i proimse to get something new in the blod soon. HUgs Junyah

Karla said...

I'm very sorry to hear about your mom...*hugs* She's probably leading the choir and singing the loudest and God is smiling :-)
If you need anything you know where we are

Lainie said...

Punkn I am deeply sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs to you all.

Ausgrl said...

Punkn, Our sympathy to you and your family.

We sail the tides of memories and dance the bounds of joy.

We leave behind the times we had, too grown from games and toys.

We move along this life to next, with a well of happy dreams.

We find out just how to love and all that it means.

Then the veil calls to us, to move to calmer seas.

We catch the tails of windy gails and float upon the breeze.

Happily, I am in your thoughts and safe in a new place.

I will remember you forevermore and your loving face
... by Panisch

Jess said...

You are amazing and we are here for you.
Do I really know you well enough to comment on thi sad sad thing?

I am so sorry for your loss.

Toriz said...

I'm glad your mother is finally at peace, and that she went peacefully in her sleep.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. *hugs*

Deanna said...

Huggssssss and thank you everyone!
Styxy Psalm 66 is so appropriate. Thank you.
Huggsss Sexy, I know you are here for me - I treasure your friendship
Awww Iggy, you always say the nicest things. Huggsssss
Chicago, you have a good point - in heaven, everyone is perfect!
TY AK - the service was very special - lots of family & friends and lots of love
Ah Junyah, I was one of the lucky ones - I got to keep my mom for a very long time huggsssssss ya
TY Karla - huggsss back - such a little lady never did anything loud but she was sure spunky. God may have his hands full lol
TY Lainie, the power of prayer is huge! huggsssss
Huggsss Aus, you always come up with some of the most awesome words of comfort - TY for that
Huggssss Jess, of course you know me well enough to comment and ty for such a sweet comment.

Deanna said...

Huggssss Tori, thank you very much.

shawncatherine said...

Hugggggs, my dear friend. Your mom raised a special girl. Hers was a life well lived. (SC)

MarmiteToasty said...

So sorry to hear of the loss of your mum.... Sounds like you have just the most wonderful fun loving memories to carry with you....

Hugz to you at this sad time


Deanna said...

Thank you SC and Marmie - She was a very special lady!

spacegirl60 said...

Hi Punkn,
I am so sorry about the loss of your mom. You will miss her a lot but then you have so many great memories of her. *hugs*

Best of wishes for you and your family through these times.