Friday, January 9, 2009

We all snore...

I admit it. I snore. The kids love telling stories about how when they were little I'd take a nap in the middle of the day and embarrass them when their friends were here because my snoring was so loud. The grandkids make fun of me too (hmmm, maybe that is why they call me silly grandma lol) Jim snores, too. But the kids don't tell stories on him. It seems it is ok for dad to snore but terribly funny that mom does :o

This morning while eating breakfast we heard this "noise". Jim looks at me. I look at Jim. His eyes were open and so were mine. But darned if that noise didn't sound like snoring.

Then we look over at our precious dog. He is curled up in his bed under his trusty bath towel.... snoring. We knew then that our little Whiskey was definitely the perfect dog for us, the snoring King and Queen.

Here is what he looked like...

the dog bed and towel with no dog in sight because he is asleep under the towel
This is how our little Chichuahua likes to sleep, totally covered up in his bed under a bath towel.

Our little Chihuahua poking his heada out from under the cover when I woke him up

Wake up sleepyhead, you snoring mut you!


Anonymous said...

hahaha,,,,, we have rottweilers and when they snore... THEY SNORE!! We just laugh because we know how content they are. Gotta love the dogs of this world.... cute post!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Akum said...

We used to have a dog who love snoring and sometimes he used to bark in sleep!

AliceKay said...

I have cats who snore.

The pics are precious, Punkn.

ChicagoLady said...

I don't think I've ever had a pet snore. I've been told I snore, but I don't believe it. I've never heard myself, so therefore I must not do it.

That's really cute how Whiskey sleeps all covered up by the blankie/towel.

LadyStyx said...

Growing up, my family had 3 cats. My mom would tell of sitting up nights, watching tv and being serenaded by 3 cats, a husband and 2 kids snoring.

Fast forward to the present where I have a husband that snores loud enough to drown out a dozen jackhammers (though he's like Chicago and swears that he doesn't) and a Chi that snores nearly as loud. If that wasnt bad enough, Katy also yips in her sleep. She has her own little pillow in the corner and 2 large baby blankets to bury herself in (she'd rather be on our bed under the big covers). Half the time you wouldnt know she's in her bed because she covers herself up so thouroughly.

Toriz said...

The only person in our family who doesn't snore is Carl (my brother) but I think that's because he doesn't go in to a deep enough sleep for it. He's one of those that would wake up if a feather landed outside his bedroom door, if you know what I mean. The rest of us sleep deeper and snore like heck (dogs included).

Snoring doesn't bother me. Tooth grinding in your sleep however is extremely annoying and earns the culprit an elbow in the ribs (which shuts him up long enough for me to get to sleep and not be bothered by it).

My snoring is apparently not too bad most of the time, but if I go in to a very deep sleep and roll on to my back it's another matter. ;)

The Wife O Riley said...

It's so funny when the littlest things snore! Our oldest daughter doesn't snore, but she does sleep with her eyes open (It's totally creepy!) But Vivi saws logs every night and she's a whopping 26 lbs.

Lainie said...

Hunter sleeps much the same way as Whiskey, in his bed completely wrapped up in a blanket. He also snores, and George (who snores louder than all of us) tells everyone how he listens to Hunter and me snoring away in perfect unison most every night.
Love the pics of Whiskey. So cute.

Deanna said...

Welcome gal! I can only imagine how rottweilers would snore - they just seem the type

LOL A - bark in his sleep, how funny

OMG AK. I've had cats all my married life (never had an animal as a child :( and none of them snored!

I'm with you Chicago, if I don't here it, it doesn't happen lol

Your poor mom Syxie. And poor you, snoring and yipping both.

Oh Tori - teeth grinding is awful. It is hard on the teeth too...

So true Wifey, it is funny when the little ones snore. You just don't expect it. Eyes open??? Wow that would freak me out.

I thought of you and the Huntababe when I posted this Lainie. I wondered if he might sleep much like Whiskey does.

LadyStyx said...

Im fine with it if:

01) I get to snoring FIRST


02) hubby keeps turned away from me and not curled right up with his face right near my ear....

Intense Guy said...

I love those pictures... LOL!

Does he "chase rabbits" in his sleep under that blankie?

Deanna said...

LOL Iggy - of course he doesn't. He has a thing for Sugar Bush lol, so it is squirrels with him.

sexy41 said...

That is an adorable pic of your dog. Yes I have heard my cat and dog snore. To funny. You are looking around where is that coming from. Okay I snore now to, never used to.

Deanna said...

*huggssss* sexy. glad to see you lurking around. Why is it the snoring gets worse as we get older? So not fair!