Monday, December 28, 2009

The reason for jeans

I was on the road today. Going from my house to St. Louis airport to pck my brother up who was returning from his visit to my sis in Arizona.

I timed my visit so that I would be able to eat lunch at Jack In The Box. Don't tell me you are surprised!. Everybdy knows Jack In The Box has the best tacos in the whole wide world. I kid you not. We first discovered these tacos many years ago... 37 yeaers ago to be exact. Jim used to pick up a dozen or so when he would get done with the late night shift at the grocery store and we would devour them. They are basically an unidentified source of meat and cheese deep fried in a soft corn taco shell with lettuce added. I absolutely love them. And they are only 2 for $1. Talk about a bargain!

So here I am at Jack In The Box, eating cheap but tasty tacos and a large soda. A large soda that I refilled. So I had to go potty before I got back on the road. Someone was in the bathroom. So I had to wait. I could hear the stool flush. I could hear water running. Then I could hear the automatic hand drier turn on. Seconds later she exited the bathroom wiping her still wet hands on her jeans. She walked out and I walked in. I did my thing, washed my hands, and then the revelation happened. This is the reason for jeans! How many of you have the patience to let those auto driers do their thing? Not me. I washed my hands, and wiped them on my jeans before I grabbed hold of the still wet door handle, thinking that is gross. Fortunately I knew why the handle was wet because I had been standing on the other side listening to the goings on.
I wiped my hands on my ever present jeans and headed on to the airport. Thank you jeans!

So how about you? Why do you wear jeans?


AliceKay said...

Hey...I did that just yesterday at McDonald's. LOL

I live in jeans. It's a good thing I work at a feed mill and can wear jeans to work. :)

St. Louis, eh? *walks away mumbling something about seeing the Arch when she wasn't even supposed to be on that road*

BlueRidge Boomer said...

"These jeans are made for wiping!"....i do the same thing!!

I work for the state park service and can also wear jeans to work....jeans, t-shirts and Birkenstocks....that's what lives in my closet.........


Toriz said...

I don't wear jeans. I hate clothes that restrict movement and/or feel heavy on me in any way. I can tell you though that the lightweight jogging bottoms (sweatpants to you) that I wear make great towels too though! ;)

Intense Guy said...

LOL! Thigh-towels huh?

I rarely wear jeans and have on occassion dried my hands with a wad of (clean!) toilet paper. :)

MarmiteToasty said...

Im going to sit here with me tea and biscuits and catch up :)

Happy Belated Crimbo wishes, but early HAPPY new year wishes to you dear Deanna..


MarmiteToasty said...

and NO I aint sitting on the loo lol


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

This Ozarks chick always, always ends up drying my wet little fingers on my jeans. It's just gotta' be part of their job discription.

Enjoy this day and have a very happy New Year!!! God bless ya'll....

Funny in My Mind said...

I wear them because they hide dog hair, pancake batter, grease and are easy to wash after a messy day of work. And they are comfy!

Anonymous said...

I get to wear jeans to work also which I just absolutely love, I just love jeans period and I definitely make sure they are very comfy when I pick them out to buy also, Im gonna be a jean grandma one day (even if it has to be the ones with elastic in them, I really cant stand those but I will do what I have to just in case being real old and all)..hehe

Lainie said...

We also wipe our hands on our jeans here in New England. I live in jeans too, unless I am wearing my khaki colored pants which are pretty close to be jeans. (but I don't wipe my hands on those.) However, if you wipe your hands on the upper part of the jeans like by the waistband, you can get 2 days worth of wear out of them if you wear a long shirt. LOL

Anonymous said...

Because they are comfortable and they take a beating and hide the dirt well. It's hard to ruin a pair of jeans.

Happy New Year!
The Blue Ridge Gal

LadyStyx said...

Im more like Tori, and prefer a nice pair of knit pants because they don't feel so restrictive. On the otherhand, sometimes that's precisely the reason why I WILL wear them. As a reminder not to eat too much. Eat too much and those jeans won't fit any longer and I got rid of all my fatter clothes....