Thursday, November 4, 2010


My dear friend, Iggy, was born on this day.  Since he is a dear friend, I won't snitch on how old he is.  Well, that reason, plus I'm not real sure how old he is. 

You know how sometimes you meet someone and you immediately know this is a good person and someone you want to know better?  Well that is Iggy.  No, I've never met him in "real life" but I feel like I have and know I will one of the days. 

If you aren't already following Iggy's blog, then consider checking him out.  I never know what will greet me when I visit him.  Sometimes he reduces me to tears with touching posts of thankfulness and appreciation.  He often takes me on walks with him.  And quite often there is a history lesson on things I not only knew nothing about, but didn't even know I knew nothing about! 

One other thing about Iggy.  He is kind to a fault.  When a person is troubled and down, or just having a bad day and needs a pick me up, he does what he can to help.  That help might come in the form of an email, a card, flowers, or just an encouraging comment on a post.  I've been on the receiving end of his kindness a number of times.

For example, I couldn't grow sunflowers.  And wala SUNFLOWERS! brightened my day.  Then there was the PHOTO ALBUM that showed up in my mailbox out of the blue.  Yea, Iggy is just that kind of guy. 

So please do me a favor and pop over to Intenseguy's place and wish him a Happy Birthday.  You will notice that he is on a bit of a break, having let the weight of the troubles of his friends; the loss of a treasured part of his life, the family dog, Molly; and life in general get the better of him.  He could use a little bloggy love.

Happy Birthday Iggy.  You are loved.


junyah said...

I got to say a HaPpy bRithDay to my Ole Pal IGgy'S. Age doesnt matter, none of us are going to get outa this EaRth AliVe anyWaY. LOL. Thanks Deanna for Posting IgGYS bRithdaY Notice ori wouldnt have known, i read the blogs when i can,haveing facebook and the blogs is plenty trying to keep up.I havent made hte moring crew of Pappa and Wylie and stuff for a long time and they meet everyday at 7 sharpe. Any way, Happy Brithday IgGy'S..Thanks again Hun . Hugs U JR

AliceKay said...

Happy Birthday, Iggy. Well said, Deanna. I've been fortunate enought to meet him in real life on two different occasions...four times but in two different years.

(psst...i know how old he is but i won't snitch either)

AliceKay said...

Hmm....I need an eraser to remove that "t" from the end of "enought" in my comment above. You can chalk it up to the sedatives I was given at the hospital today....LOL.

Vicki Lane said...

Wonderful what friends blogging brings!

Toriz said...

Very well put!

Hope you had a great birthday, Iggy! :)

Toriz said...

P.S. I know how old he is too, but I'll be nice and not snitch either!

betty said...

I didn't realize today was Iggy's birthday! thanks Deanna for letting us know! He is just a really neat man!!!


Rita said...

You can tell what a good soul Iggy is by all the love he is being sent on his birthday. He is a kind and generous person. Even Miss Karma was a recipient with the wooden pillow that Iggy sent her--hehe!

Happy Birthday, Iggy! :):):)

Rural Rambler said...

Good Morning Deanna! Sorry I am late here. I have read and enjoyed Iggy's comments here and I will click on the link you provided and wish him a Belated Happy Birthday :) Hope all is well with you and you are enjoying our weather. Have a great weekend, it is going to be beautiful! We NEED some rain though!!!!!

Intense Guy said...

Awww.. thank you Punkn.

Hugs you thanks - for the kind words and warm birthday wishes and moreso for the wonderful friendship you have shown me - you are a role model to me...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post Punkn, I dont think I could have said it better girl, you are a very wonderful person and friend yourself also, HUGS


jewelzmomof4 said...

Happy Birthday a little Late Iggy!!!