Thursday, January 27, 2011

Little one

Most mornings this little beauty is bedded down in the woods outside our bedroom window.  Sometimes she stands and stretches, and then lays back down for a bit more rest.  When we tap on the window, she looks our way, as if to say, “Did you need something?”  I miss her when she isn’t there.


Come back little one.  I missed seeing you this morning!


Funny in My Mind said...

She feels safe by you. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow what a beautiful sight to see right outside your window I would love that, I hope she comes back for you HUGS

Tonia said...

Oh how neat! We saw several along the road last night on our way home from church.. We have them come in our back yard but we dont see them during the day. They just drive poor little Hobo nuts at night!Lol

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

How pretty she is. Do you feed her? There aren't a lot of deer in my neighborhood and I don't know if that's what I would do. My first instinct would be to feed her but I know that is not what nature intended. Anyway she is beautiful!!

junyah said...

Pretty site. Deer arnt affard of people in certain times of the year. I know in hunting season around here,deer will move in close to the houses and the roads because they have learned over the years that hunters are in the woods at the right time of year.It must be confussing for them because some humans feedand look out for them, help them surive if they get hurt, and then hunt them down when the season comes by.Its ok to feed them here in the state of Maine IN the WINTER only, but if you do start feeding them , the warden service tells you ,that you have to feed them until spring.I hope Your feeling better , and a Big hug for U >from Y.O.P. Junyah

Rita said...

How beautiful! I know you're not supposed to feed them, but how about a salt lick? ;)

Flat Creek Farm said...

She is a beauty! I always worry when our resident deer family disappears for awhile. I think they are secret friends with my donkeys as they hang out near them often ;) -Tammy

Vicki Lane said...

What a nice neighbor to hhave!

AliceKay said...

Beautiful picture. She must feel very safe to be so close to you so often.

We sell tons of corn and deer feed to people who feed the deer. The Game Commission doesn't want people to do that, but they still do. With the price of corn getting so unbelievably high right now, some customers have said they need to cut back because they can't afford to feed them now. Not a good situation when there's snow out there and the deer are used to being fed.

I hope she comes back to visit you soon.

Queenie Jeannie said...

That's so sweet!!! How wonderful that she feels safe by you guys! You live in such a lovely area, surrounded by beauty year round!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I have to confess to a love/hate relationship with deer. I used to have to dodge them nearly every night driving home from work and one did run in front of me one night and did damage to the front of my car to the tune of 5000 plus dollars! Then the pesky critters want to eat everything in my garden. They are pretty tho and that is a great photo, Deanna. Take care and hope you are still feeling better now.

Intense Guy said...

I enjoy talking to "my" deer too. I imagine the winter is a hard time for them - but the deer have managed for millions of years to find enough food, shelter, and warmth to get through them. I bet they are as thrilled as humans are though - when the world turns green again!