Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I have a problem.
I can no longer get my my t-shirts, or in the case of these cool Missouri mornings, my much needed sweatshirts, over my swelled head.  So I grabbed my warmest blouse as a substitue, and darned if the buttons didn't all pop off the minute I slipped them in the button hole. Not a pretty sight at all. 
You see, I recently received an award.  Not once.  Not twice.  But three times!  If that doesn't make a person feel special, I don't know what will.
Deanna picking wild flowers and weeds
Originally, Just Stuff From A Boomer, gave me the Liebster Award.  Like her, I had no idea what it meant.  She was kind enough to do the research for me.  Here is what she said:  "Because I had never heard of this award, I did a little detective work and discovered that liebster in German, means "beloved". 

The Liebster Blog Award is designed to bring additional recognition to those bloggers with less than 200 followers.  If you receive the award, you should link back to the blogger that nominated you and nominate 5 more blogs.  And, also, don't forget to let them know you nominated them.
Boomer is one of my newest friends, and I have to say I enjoy her blog immensely.  As a fellow baby-boomer, I find myself walking down memory lane with you more often than not.  You're the best!  I've linked back to you and sure do hope every single one of my 61 (actually 12 if you go by comments left ;) followers head over to your blog right this minute... I mean after they finish reading this post.
My dear friend of many years, Iggy, surprised me with an honorary mention when he himself received the same award from Betty.  Iggy's blog is the first one I ever followed.  His is the most educational, heartfelt, sincere, kind... great blog around.  Although we have never met, I consider Iggy one of my best friends ever.  Do me a favor and check him out.  I guarantee you will be glad you did.  You might want to bring an umbrella, though.  Because he recently sprung a leak in his bathroom!  Thank you Iggy.
And then it happened.  My friend from Wales, Tori,  also nominated me.  When I think of Tori, there is no way to come up with one word to describe her.  Inspiration comes to mind.  Then brave.  Then amazing.  Tori has taken her followers through the agony of losing her eyesight and the fears and tribulations that accompanies her journey.  She wows us with photos of her sweet dog Kero and posts projects of her knitting and other projects.  I am humbled by Tori.  And I thank her for the award. 
Now I have a difficult job ahead of me.  I need to nominate 5 for this award.  Drum roll please....
Steve of Third Half of Life
Betty of A Corgi in Southern California
Patti at Osage Bluff Quilter
Travis at One Word, One Rung, One Day
 (Travis has a little over 200 followers, but I'm nominating him anyway since I never was very good at following rules.)
Cheryl at The Farmer's Daughter
I hope you will check them out.  Trust me... you will be glad you did!


Intense Guy said...


If there was anyone that deserved this award three times, it is you.


Rita said...

Awesome!! I will check out the other blogs. Congrats! :):)

AliceKay said...

Congrats on the award! Three times the pleasure. :)

Vicki Lane said...

Well deserved! Well deserved! Well deserved!

betty said...

congrats on the award x3 Deanna!! I echo what Iggy said about you deserving it!! Thanks for passing it on to me, you are so sweet!

Love the picture of the pumpkins! It is that time of year, isn't it??


Queenie Jeannie said...

Congratulations!!! You totally deserve it!

Toriz said...

You're very welcome for the award! :)

And, thank you for the kind words! :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wow, what a surprise! Thank you, Deanna. And congrats on your triplets!! I'll be sure to post about this award in the next day or two. Also, I'll be checking out the other blogs as soon as I have time. Have a great day!

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

Wow! Feel the love. Isn't that what our generation was all about? Thank you so much for your kind words. You absolutely deserve all three.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Once, twice, three times a lady! Congratulations. And thanks for passing the award on to me. I will get around to pass it forward, but darn you took one of mine!

Tessa said...

Way to go mom!
(Now I know why I don't ever follow rules very well - you are to blame!)
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