Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I'll admit it.  If there is an OATS bus anywhere near a store, I tend to avoid shopping there - especially if that store is ALDI's grocery store.  (For those who don't know, Aldi's is a discount grocery store.)  My experience has been that the old folk tend to stick together, toddling down the aisles two by two, stopping to visit and talk over the price of things.  And of course, getting the food out of their carts and onto the conveyer belt is a whole 'nother story.  It is easy to help unload their carts, but even paying for their groceries is quite an ordeal.  So I avoid the whole scene.

Aldi's uses a quarter system to control cart returns.  You put a quarter in a slot to get your cart.  Then when you return your cart, the quarter pops back out of the slot.  Today was an Aldi's run day.  The OATS bus was just pulling up as I left the store.  Whew, I dodged that bullet!  As I returned my cart to the corral, a little lady was trying to figure out the whole quarter system.  The bus driver was trying to explain it to her, but he had his hands full helping everyone else.  I offered her my cart and the driver told her she had to give me a quarter.  The baffled look on that poor lady's face!  I told her it was ok, the cart was hers to use.  Right then and there I made a vow to no longer avoid the OATS bus.  Maybe, just maybe I can help make shopping just a little easier for this generation preceeding me.  Face it, I'm not that far behind them, and sure will appreciate a little caring and understanding when it is my turn to stand at the cart corral looking confused. 

And before my kids kindly point out that I am already often confounded and confused, I know it.  Just so you know, though, it is only going to get worse!

"Butt jiggle is just my little way of..Waving goodbye!" Maxine


Anonymous said...

yep, yep, yep... Aldi's! I know it well! I avoid shopping at all cost, too, tho... I don't shop until I absolutely HAVE to, seriously... fridge & pantry empty serious! I HATE SHOPPING! But, Aldi's is cheap & much faster than Wolly World! LoL! =)

Funny in My Mind said...

You know, when we first bought the restaurant, I told my husband that I was not going to talk to people. I was going to go to work and come home with very little human contact other than "have a nice day"
Almost 6 years later and I talk to everyone. All the time.
The elderly are my favorite.
Who knew?

Queenie Jeannie said...

I love this story! Thank you for sharing it, and for the compassionate reminder!!! HUGS!

betty said...

Have heard of Aldi's but we don't have them here. I kind of like the concept of the 25 cents to get a cart and return a cart; might save the carts being spread all over the parking lot here with employees having to retrieve them. I think it is nice you offered your cart to the lady and your willingness now to not avoid the OATS bus.


Intense Guy said...

I missed a (couple) days in school, what is an OATS bus? Old And Tired Senior?

My mom who is much older than you, Punkn, carps about the "old foaggies" that shuffle their feet, look truly lost and call the Mrs on a cellphone (they did figure out how to do that) and ask what size can of Baked Beans to get (and the answer is probably, "Get the same size we have gotten for 45 years!") when she in the Florida Keys. :)

Pix said...

Good Morning Deanna! Food shopping, which I need to do today is my least favorite thing to do. CH drags me kicking and screaming. At least I have him to help.

Lainie said...

Your story made me chuckle. Since my surgery, I have a new found respect for the elderly and the handicapped. I never thought I would have to use a walker, cane or ride on cart in a grocery or departmrnt store. I would stay at home or go without something I might have wanted before riding along on one of those. I've since swallowed my pride and have used all of these things at one time or another. I did learn, though, that Wednesday is the day the busload of elderly folks goes to Wal*Mart, so until I am walking completely on my own, I will go to Wal*Mart on any other day so I can get a ride on cart! ;-)

ChicagoLady said...

My ant loves Aldi's, she shops there as much as possible. But she doesn't go there on an OATS bus or even an OATS car. She drives her own! LOL

The only thing that I don't like about Aldi is having to bring your own bags and bag everything away from the checkout.

AliceKay said...

There is an Aldi's near the Walmart in Sayre, but I've never been to it. Drive by it all the time, but I've never been to it. Some people I know will only shop at an Aldi's.

Nice story about the shopping cart and you passing it along to the older lady. I'm surprised at what that bus driver said, tho. :\

Rita said...

I guess I'm glad I get my groceries delivered--LOL! I haven't had to put up with any grocery shoppers for a long time. so glad you gave her your cart!!! :):)

Anonymous said...

My husband took me to Aldi's the other day and set in the car. He observed an older gentleman trying to get the carts apart, finally pulled hard enough and 3 came apart all stuck together and he pushed all three into the store and proceded to do his shopping.