Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Just One

Happy New Year everyone!

Do you do New Year's resolutions?  No?  Me neither.  Usually.  But this year I've made an exception.  I am making only one New Year's resolution, and that is to begin blogging on a regular basis again.  Wish me luck.  If I'm not able to keep this resolution, then my resolution to not make resolutions will be validated.   Capiche?

Since I haven't been feeling very good, we chose to ring in the new year with a quiet evening at home.  I fixed spinach spaghetti covered with shrimp and scallops in a tomato/garlic sauce, and a lettuce salad with homemade blue cheese dressing.  I've always claimed I'm not a blue cheese anything fan.  Last night changed that.  The dressing was just a mixture of Hidden Valley Ranch dry dressing with milk (1/4 to 1/3 cup), 1/2 cup sour cream, 1 cup mayonnaise (not Miracle Whip please), and 8 oz blue cheese.  I'm definitely a convert. 

After our" gourmet meal", we retired downstairs to pool.  I won when Jim sank the 8 ball before its time.  First time that has every happened (yea right).  Normally we play at least 3 games, but I've been dealing with a pinched nerve in my neck, and a stiff, hurting, neck and pool are not good playmates.  I have to thank my sweet daughter, Julie, for bringing some left over muscle relaxers to me a few nights ago.  I know, I know... sharing prescriptions is a no, no.  But desperate hurts call for desperate measures.  I'm sure nobody else has ever shared medicine with an ailing someone else before.  I won't tell if you don't.  After our dismal pool game we tried playing cards.  Jim wouldn't play with me anymore after I beat him at two games of Rummy, so we tried our hands at a few rounds of Black Jack.  He ended up with more chips than I did, so technically I guess he won, but I figure we both won since we both had chips left.  Right?  Yea, I'm gong to go with that. (Can you tell I don't like to lose?)  Then we watched mindless television until it was time to ring in the new year and head for bed.  A rather uneventful beginning to 2013, but there it is.

We didn't fall off the fiscal cliff, by the way.  Don't those bozos have a lot to be proud of?  They wait until the last minute to find a compromise and then expect us all to be oh so grateful to them.  Really?  I don't know about anyone else, but I would have been fired from any of my many jobs if I'd have performed as dismally as our elected officials.  Can you imagine missing deadline after deadline, and then at the final moment, after you took a vacation in the middle of the crisis, you come back with a solution?  And, "Oh by the way, boss, this is only an interim solution.  I need to work on this some more.  I'm sure you understand."  No I don't understand.  I cannot imagine any boss not handing out a pink slip.  And yet here we are.  No pink slips were  handed out during the last election, so nothing has changed.  I'm not pointing at the Democrats or Republicans.  I am pointing my finger at each and every one of our elected officials.  While they are passing laws, they need to consider passing one that fires themselves if they aren't able to cooperate and compromise to the betterment of the USA.  They have pissed me off.  All of them.

Jim and I went to see the Hobbit the other  night.  Our first ever 3D movie.  We about passed out when we saw the tickets were $8.50 each - for the early show after the Senior discount.  It has been ages since we've been to the movies, so that was a rude awakening.  Have you ever been to a 3D movie?  Oh my goodness that was an experience!  I actually ducked a few times when things started flying off that screen towards me.  The action packed, panoramic views, Hobbit was a perfect 3D experience.  It would not take much to talk me into going again. 

Catch you again soon.


betty said...

I do hope you keep this resolution to blog more Deanna! Pick a day maybe to put up a post, once a week at least, and see where it goes from there.

LOL about your New Year's Eve; the food sounds good though! Sorry you haven't been feeling good and the neck issues. I totally agree desperate measures makes us do what we can to get comfort, no matter how.

We had a quiet New Year's Eve too; made dinner and then hung out watching TV. We decided to watch the Fox countdown which was 3 hours ahead of our time so at 9 p.m. we pretended it was midnight and 2013; said Happy New Year, kissed and went to bed at 10 p.m. (I had to work today but then there wasn't any work so I could have slept in, LOL, but who knows :)

Movies here start over $10, closer to $12 these days; not sure what the senior discount is, but I have seen a few 3-D movies, they are so much fun indeed!

May it be a great New Year Deanna for you and yours!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Deanna! I've been wondering how you were. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Pinched nerves are painful, I know from experience. It sounds like you had a scrumptious meal last night. About the card games...I don't like to lose either. :)
I'm po'd too about how our elected officials have been performing. And we elected this clowns??? Not only do they not get pink slips, but I just recently read that they are all getting pay raises. What the @%#$! How can they justify giving them pay raises when the rest of us are going to be hit with higher taxes, food prices and who knows what else. They all need to go, imo.
Did you get snow, too? Take care and stay warm!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I need to proofread before clicking that lil orange box! Should read 'these' not 'this' in speaking of the clowns!

Steve Skinner said...

We saw the Hobbitt a few week ago; found it entertaining by way too long to sit! Best wishes for the New Year.

Pix at Under the Oaks said...

Happy New Year Deanna! I am going to wish you luck for regular blogging and I hope you keep your resolution. You are missed, I miss your funny. I am having a hard time blogging regularly too, no new news there. PROcrastination.. :)
Hope your pinched nerve calms down. We stayed home and fell asleep before midnight after watching mindless TV like you two. I feel the same way you do about the bozos. I have been so sad since the election that I think it has taken something out of me.
I am hoping some way some how 2013 will be a fresh start. I can hope.
Take care Deanna!

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I missed ya GF.
Hope that pain the the neck gets better.
No miracle whip, can you believe I don't think I've ever tasted real mayo>!?!?!?
We got to bed last night a head of schedule, we watched the ball drop in NY and crawled under the covers shortly after 11PM!
You and Jim have a great 2013. Hope we can get together for some fun!

Anonymous said...

I am taking Allen to see the Hobbit today. He has been tortured enough by sitting in the house with me for days......

Intense Guy said...

They need to be fired... in a ceramic kiln... the only way we will ever get rid of the "infestation" in Clown City.


ChicagoLady said...

Sounds like a very nice way to ring in the new year. Just about everyone I know is sick, or has been sick. Myself included. I did an Iggy impersonation and rang in the new year with some Nyquil.

I agree with you about everyone in D.C., both Republicans and Democrats. Fire the whole lot of them! They knew about this for the past 2 years, and waited until New Year's Eve to make a deal. And what does it say about the people, who keep on re-electing all these bozos???

The last 3D movie I saw, I think, was "How To Train Your Dragon". I have not seen The Hobbit yet, but hope to see it eventually. $8.50 doesn't sound that bad for 3D.

Hope your neck is feeling better soon, and you are able to start blogging more regularly. I miss your posts!

AliceKay said...

I hope you succeed in your New Year's resolution. I love reading your blogs and seeing the pictures you share. Shots of your family are heart-warming.

I hope your neck gets to feeling better soon. Neck problems are no fun. :(

I've never been to a 3D movie. Not sure my eyes could handle it. lol I'm glad you enjoyed the experience. I would like to see that movie sometime, but will most likely wait until it's on DVD.

Happy New Year! *hugs*