Monday, August 11, 2008

Lions, and tigers, and bears, Oh My!

We are taking three of the grandkids to the St. Louis Zoo tomorrow. Originally we had planned to take them to The City Museum, which is an old warehouse converted into a fun place made of all recycled materials. I'm thinking The City Museum is going to be way too much fun for just the three of them. My wicked plan is to lure them all there someday soon ;). Anyway, the zoo it is!
We are heading out early tomorrow morning. Emily, Cara and Anna are already fast asleep, dreaming of their favorite animal... The weather has been absolutely gorgeous here and is supposed to continue mild tomorrow, so it should be a great day!
For those who are wondering how things turned out with the "When Is It Time" post about my mother - I posted a comment on that. With patience, understanding, faith and prayers, things will all turn out for the best.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!


AliceKay said...

Have a great day at the zoo! (hope you're taking lots of pics to share with us)

Intense Guy said...

Aw, I want to go too! I want to see the Elephinks an' da Rhinos and the Penguins an' an' an'... the Polar Bears! Have fun!remember not to feed the animals (except approved wholesome totally organically grown foods in approved areas!)

LadyStyx said...

Oooooooooooooooooh me2me2me2me2!!! I wanna see da Humparumps n da long necked hickey covered critters n da river horses!! ~gigglez~

Make sure ya pack plenty of batteries too....for the camera. Yeah, the camera...

Karla said...

Hope you enjoyed the zoo...I love going to the's always so relaxing just sitting and watching the animals..cept for those dang monkeys they make way too much noise LOL and here they let you feed the a bridge over the giraffe enclosure and they stick their noses up there and they sell you food to feed them. only things you can't feed are the carnivoires (lions and tigers and bears oh my) and the monkeys cause they get into fights!

Deanna said...

The Penguins, Elephinks, and Rhinos were cool Iggy, though the Elephinks were a little too free in showing off their "stuff".
Will be posting lots of pics AK. and styxie - I have a special treat for you. They had a mix of giraffe and zebra. Strangest darn animal I've every seen!
Wow Karla. They don't let you feed any of the animals here. I do love the zoo though. We had a wonderful time. Will be posting pictures over the next few days.

LadyStyx said...

oooooooooh you mean an Okapi? I've seen them before at the Fort Worth zoo. Unfortunately, the bugger stayed at the back of its enclosure and I didnt get a good picture of it.