Well, I know I promised to bore you with more pictures, but as I looked through my memory file from this past week, there was only one other photo I really wanted to share. This is my oldest daughter's fab four (Emily, Anna, Cara & James). We called them Curly, Larry, Moe and Shemp (one of the earlier stooges). They thought that was hilarious and we had to watch old clips of the three stooges on utube. They had never heard of them before this weekend!!!! Talk about generation gap!
Anyway, I will once again be off doing good samaritan work with my parents. Dad fell and broke a bone in his hand last week (of course since he is right handed, it is his right hand). So now, mom and dad are both pretty helpless (in different ways).
I'm heading in there now with beef stroganoff for their supper. Will blog more later maybe. Will try to catch up on the blogs again over the next few days. I seem to keep getting terribly behind!
Take care all and keep on keeping on! Have a great week!
Shemp!!! I LOVED Shemp..he was my favorite!!
Your grandchildren are beautiful!
Hope your dad's hand heals quickly - beef stroganoff sounds wonderful... it will certainly help as its marvelous comfort food.
Those 4 "stooges" are lovely children and those smiles are truly heart warming.
Yes, they are beautiful grandchildren. Love those smiles. Hope your dad is okay otherwise. You don't seem to get a break, do you, Punkn? (no pun intended) *hugs*
Hope your dad feels better soon.
The grandkids are gorgeous and I know you love having them. MMM beef stroganoff, haven't had that in ages!
Would it help if we all typed slower, so you can catch up on the blogs?? ;-)
What a cute pic!
Hope dad's hand gets better quickly.
Supper sounds awesome *packs bags and head's to punkn's praying she didnt lace the meal with those toadstools from iggy's entry*
Lordy. You're behind now, what's gonna happen when I finally get around to putting my weekend up? I expect at least 3 entries out of it if not closer to 4 and I still have one more that I'd promised to do as well.....
Pick me up on your way, Styxie!
You sure do have a lot on your plate these days. Just keep thinking how fortunate you are to still have both your parents, despite everything they (and you) are going through.
Oh, and was any decision ever made about where you and your dad were going to place your mom? I don't remember reading anything about that...
Lol no toadstools in my house. I guarandamnte it! *sets a couple more plates* I think Lainie has the right idea. Everyone is going to have to just type slower for me!
I'll do a nursing home post soon Chicagolady. Nothing is ever as simple as it should be....
Thanks for the compliments about my adorable grandkids :)
Lol no toadstools in my house. I guarandamnte it! *sets a couple more plates* I think Lainie has the right idea. Everyone is going to have to just type slower for me!
I'll do a nursing home post soon Chicagolady. Nothing is ever as simple as it should be....
Thanks for the compliments about my adorable grandkids :)
I posted comments last night and they are disappearing! Who's taking my comments?
*Whips out my Q-36 Space Modulator*
Omg, I'm losing my mind, now my comment from last night appears, I swear it wasn't there a minute ago! I think I need to go to bed, lol.
LMAO, every time I post a new comment, another one appears to the left, I think I'm going insane!
Now they're duplicating themselves. I'm having too much fun, Punkn is going to not want me commenting on her blog ever again, lol.
I hate it when that happens Chicagolady. I left a long post on Ausgrl's site the other day and the dang gobble monster ate it. Didn't have time to type everything again, so then just left a short post *sigh*
*dives for cover before the mad martian sets off the Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator*
Jeepers... we got to get that thing out of her hands... where is bugs bunny when we need him??!?
It's happening to me too ChicagoLady!
Argh... runs from the blog fearing he has lost the last feeble remnant of his mind
Adds another comment just to see if his last comment appears...
Ok.. the comment counter is busted... its about 4 comments behind the actual number of comments...
I love software bugs...
Adds yet another comment... LOL
Adds yet another comment... LOL
Can we get a record number of comments going?
Hi Punkn! Hope you are well. Its 9:30 AM on August 8, 2008 and I'm playing the Punkn's strange missing comment game!
Can ya hear me now?
LOL my comment didn't show... what's wrong with this thing!
OK... I'm going to have to post a new entry just to move away from this broken one ;]
Hi Iggy. You probably won't see this. I've left numerous comments and none of them show. Tooooo funny! Enjoy my new game.
Hi Punkn! I hear you now! Maybe ChicagoLady will have another comment to add too.
Looks like a really close baseball game she went to.
I wanna play too!!! LMAO
I think Punkn is closing in a record number of comments - at least a personal record - I know I've never got 25 comments or more!
Hi Punkn! I'm enjoying your guess what comment will pop up next game!!
I think I'll add another comment just for the heck of it!
Oh Lainie is playing too!!!
I have had this hankering for beef stroganoff for a about a week now. Mmmmm... I can even smell it.
This would be comment number 30 if blogger wasn't acting so strangely!
Caught ya! Definitely a personal record for me. I was reading Marmi's blog and I'm pretty sure she has by far the most blog responses- and hers isn't broken! lol
*Waves at Lainie*
Caught cha! *waves at Lainie*
Bizarre! I've left three messages now that have not shown... but yet every time I leave one, one from Iggy shows up instead. *waves at Lainie for the third time*
Whips up some beef stroganoff for Iggy...
Iggy! did you do something with your programming skills to make comments from me generate comments from you? It happened again!
omg now one I left earlier today just showed up.
i refuse to look at this post ever again.. it is driving me crazy (short trip)
Thanks Punkn for the beef stroganoff. Yummy!!!
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