Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pampas Grass

I wanted to share a picture of the Pampas Grass we have growing at the edge of our driveway by the road. It is very pretty this year. Pampas grass is one of those perennials you see just about everywhere and if you plant it, you'd darn well better be sure you're not going to change your mind about where you want it, because it is almost impossible to get rid of. Like I said, ours is in an open area down by the road. It can get as large as it wants and won't hurt a thing. The pampas grass and the prickly pear cactus are in the same flower bed. It will be interesting to see which plant wins the battle of space! I used to have a beautiful Clematis planted in front of the wagon wheel. It died out this spring and I plan on replacing it this coming spring. Clematis is such a pretty and easy plant to care for. And they bloom their little hearts out.

Tall pampas grass with verigated blades of grass and tall silvery plumes


ChicagoLady said...

Very pretty!

Intense Guy said...

That's a nice clump of grass.

I've been seeing more and more of the ornamental tall grasses around my part of the woods. Perhaps it is from yours and its just spreading? :)

Karla said...

I love Pampas grass Always thought it was so purty!

Lainie said...


LadyStyx said...

Pretty. Sound like it's like bamboo and raspberry plants though. You need to make CERTAIN it's what you WANT because they're aggressive plants and will take over any plot they're set in...and the yard, and the neighbor's yard...and the next one over.....

AliceKay said...

Pretty cool looking grass. They look like big feathers in the wind.

Deanna said...

lol iggy - Sugarbush snuck some into Pa when you weren't looking. Did you see the little clump she planted next to your pole with the flag from Whales?
Styxie, if it is a bamboo and raspberry plant, then the nursery will hear from me! Actually this particular plant is 5 years old and it can get as big as it wants without hurting a thing.

MarmiteToasty said...

Gorgeous..... its grows wonderful when it has the proper room.....
