Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Friends and Quilt

I've mentioned in an earlier post that Jim and I and two other couples host an annual Christmas Party Open House. It is an evening of friends (about 100), lots of food, lots of fun, and.... drink.

Everybody pretty much mills around, tells stories on each other, eats and drinks. At some point during the evening those who want to, head downstairs and sing Christmas carols. By 11:30 most people go home.

Jim and Gerard got all dolled up to direct the traffic (50 cars are a lot of cars!)

Patti and I make most of the food. We cook for days before the party. Every year we try out new recipes.

Me and one of my best friends, Rita

Me, Father, and another friend.

Singing Christmas carols.

Towards the end of the evening, two of our friends, Lillian and Susan (the two white haired ladies) brought out not one, not two, but THREE hand quilted wedding ring quilts they had made for us. One for each couple! It was their thank you to us for hosting this party every year (we've done it 10 years of so). Patti and I broke down and cried tears of joy. It was such a surprise. Belinda told everyone she was on Zolof and doesn't do crying lol. Anyway, here we are with our new quilt. Amazing, just totally amazing.


LadyStyx said...

omigoodness...*laffz and wipes tears from eyes*

The quilt is beautiful. It's my absolute favorite pattern. There's one similar to it on our bed...it's in sages,pinks, beiges. I think I posted it once...hmmm.

Intense Guy said...

LMAO! The poor guy...couldn't do his numbers or his letters anymore. Does make one wonder about the envelope... LOL.

And that is one super-beautiful quilt! Wow. My mom used to make them - and maybe she will once more now thats she's sort of, kinda retired. I'll have to show her the picture.

You look great in that red outfit punkn... I would have figgered your color was orange :) but...

Toriz said...


Glad the party was a success. :)

AliceKay said...

LOL @ hush money. Love it! LOL

Beautiful quilt. My grandmother used to have a quilt like that. I think my mother has it now. Just beautiful. And what a wonderful gift, too.

Anonymous said...

Give up sex AND swearing.... no way

Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL!!!! You are soooo BAD!!!

That's a beautiful quilt and looks amazing on your bed. Enjoy that "hush" money too, lol!

junyah said...

I kinda think that the poor father was just a little embarassed.lol back years ago my mothers old house used to have the old hand made quits, back then they used the grain bags, they were the warmest thing you could put on a bed.. and yes Punkn looks good in red. laffs @ iGgY and he thought punkn would be dressed in oraange.. lol

The Wife O Riley said...

That is a beautiful quilt and a hysterical story!

I bet the next Open House, he becomes a teetotaller.

sexy41 said...

I laughed so much. Great story. Enjoy the bribe..I mean hush. Sounds like the party was a blast.

The quilt is beautiful. I have a quilt that Jay's grandmother made us for our wedding 30 years ago. I didn't want to use it. I should a shame it has been in my Cedar chest all these years. It was a quilt her Grandmother had started, she finished it, still had all the material it is over 130 year old now. Have a good New Years.


ChicagoLady said...

What a great story! Hopefully, he doesn't remember a thing he said, lol.

I love that quilt! It's absolutely beautiful. I may have to drive down there and steal it from you! My aunt makes quilts for her church, she usually uses scraps of other materials the "bee" has collected. I don't think she's ever mentioned making a wedding ring quilt.

Deanna said...

That quilt is absolutely gorgeous, isn't it.

TY Iggy& JR the compliment and surprising as it may seem - orange is definitely NOT my color!

Hmmmmm Land - apparently he didn't quite accomplish the giving up swearing part....

Glad y'all enjoyed the post.

MarmiteToasty said...

Wow what fun lol

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU DEAR LADY..... fanks for including me in your blob world this past year.... health, love, peace and happieness to you and your family in this coming year...


Anonymous said...

I dont know if you will see this but I LOVE those quilts. I have one just like those that I bought at a sale one time of kids selling their parents things because they had passed on. I got my quilt for 3$. I was wondering what kind of quilt it was now I know thanks to you. My daughter wants the quilt but Im not ready to let go yet because I love it so much. Hugs!!