Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I won!

I feel like I won the Lottery.

Every year our church takes up a collection of school supplies to give to the area schools for distribution to kids who cannot afford to buy supplies.  School supplies are expensive!

I was tipped off by another parishioner that Menards has school supplies on sale, with rebates to boot.  So off I went to Menards.  And here is what I found…

Backpacks on sale for $5.99 with a rebate of $5.00 = $1 backpacks!  These are obviously not heavy duty, load it with upper class book type bags, but they are great for the elementary grade kids.

Little bit heavier duty back packs on sale for $8.99 with a $5.00 rebate - $4.00 back packs.  I can afford that.

Markers, glue, crayons, rulers, scissors for $.89 with $.50 rebates = 40 cent school supplies.  Wow!

If you go shopping, watch your quantities.  There is a limit of 6 on the back packs, and 10 to 20 on the rest of the supplies, depending on which ones.  After those quantities are met, they won’t honor the rebate.

So head on out there and pick up some school supplies.  Churches and businesses everywhere collect supplies for children in need.  It is a wonderful feeling to do something good and not have to spend an arm and a leg to do it!


Anonymous said...

That's a great tip for people buying school supplies. Such a great deal on those back packs!!!


Akum said...

Yeah, you did hit the jack pot.. It's great to hear how people are helping out people.. Everyone should follow such good examples. Imagine how many kids out there who wants to go to school but can't afford it. Its sad...

Vicki Lane said...

There's a win-win situations! Good for you!

Intense Guy said...

My mom was a Montessori preschool teacher and director and I have memories of her stocking up for the school year. Always hunting a bargain no matter what time of year. I remember one day she came home with a huge bag completely full of brandnew Crayola crayons. She got them for 80% off! I think that bag lasted 3-4 years. LOL!

http://www.crayolastore.com/ has a "stuff on sale" link and CRAYTENOFF coupon (expires 8/1) - but I'll ask my mom for any special places where she went.

Tonia said...

Wow great deals! With homeschooling our supplies last for a couple years. I stocked up last year and will have to get a few things but nothing major.

Missouri Gal said...

I need to buy some too. Thanks for the Menards tip.

AliceKay said...

Looks like you found a lot of good bargains. $1 backpacks...wow. Imagine the looks on those kids faces when they receive new backpacks. :)

(tip: don't buy the blue box of 36 pencils at Kmart that were advertised for $1 a box a week or so ago. they're worthless. you can grind and grind with a pencil sharpener but they just won't sharpen enough to use)

Teri said...

Oooh, deals. I love deals!

Rita said...

That is so great of you to do and spread the news! Awesome deals!!! :)