Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thank you!

A quick thank you to everyone who commented on my last post with encouraging words, prayers, and personal stories.  My blog friends never disappoint me, lifting me up when I am down.  Thank you!

The weather here has been wild.  Rain was promised earlier this week, but never materialized.  We did, though, get the wild winds that streaked across much of the US.  Jim has been blowing leaves off the drive so we can tell where to drive.  After today, though, it will be awhile before he can do that again.  Dr. fix-it is going to go in orthoscopically tomorrow morning to fix a tear in his rotator cup.  I swear we are falling apart!

Freeze warnings tonight.  Our weather gal is wrong more than she is right, but I do believe she is going to get this one right. 

Tuesday is election day.  I hope everyone has researched the issues and the candidates and know how they plan on voting.  Our vote is our voice - so get out and vote!  Peace and good thoughts all.


betty said...

I think weather people flip a coin to forecast the weather :)

but I'm thinking you can probably feel the frost in the air, it is getting that time (did I mention it was 80 degrees here today :)

praying for you Deanna

will say a prayer for your husband and his surgery tomorrow


Toriz said...

You don't need to say, "thank you," but you're welcome anyway!

Really windy, really cold, and really wet here today!

Just make sure you guys keep track of all the pieces when you fall apart... At least then they might be able to put you back together. ;)

AliceKay said...

Good luck to Jim on his surgery today. Will be thinking of him...and of you. *hugs*

Cool and rainy here today. Yesterday morning we had sunshine and highs in the 60s. The clouds moved in later in the afternoon.

This year's election will be a challenge. Most of the ads we see on our TV are negative, mud-slinging, ads that make you want to just say forget it. But I'll vote. Haven't missed an election since registering many, many years ago.

Anonymous said...

We have freeze warnings here too but I really doubt it will get quite that cold. Into the 30's, yes, but not 32.

Good luck to your husband with the surgery!


jewelzmomof4 said...

Mom as far as your post yesterday I am praying for you to, have been for a while now with all this stuff with your ear. You are a very strong woman and such an inspiration to me!!! You have conquered so many things and learned how to live with other things and make it seem as though there is nothing wrong with you at all. You are who I think of when things get tough for me and I think if I curl up and hide up under a rock would that be ok?? Then I remind myself of all that you have done and I put my chin up and if that doesn't help I call you for a pep talk lol. (you give me the best pep talks) I LOVE you and Thank You for being such a strong woman. As far as Dad goes I know he will be fine but still I hate him having surgery, I will be praying for him to today. I Love you both and will call to check on him later.

Tonia said...

Everyone needs some where to rant!
We had a little rain butits already dry again and the fire warnings have started.
We did get a freeze last night! Looks like tonight too.
Good luck to your husband in his surgery will be praying things go well!

Rita said...

I'm late to read this, so I hope your hubby's surgery went well and he will recover quickly. :) And that you don't get too cold down there. ;)

Anonymous said...

Our weather is a little better now, a tad cooler but I would love for it to be much cooler, hopefully soon. Im ready for snow LOL I know what you mean about falling apart I ache all the time and I have pains in the belly that docs cant figure out whats wrong so I gave up, I told hubby if it is something serious it will tell on itself one day. Hope you enjoy your weekend HUGS

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Hey GF, hope Jim's surgery went well and he is recovering nicely. I pray your ear gets better soon, it sounds very painful.
We have been out of the loop all week, as in the camper. I was worried about you with the shootings nearby after our kids phoned and told us.
Take care, let me know if there is anything we can do.

junyah said...

I think that Jack lalanne is going to live to be at least 200 because he was smart enough at an early age to take good care of the body.Im sure everybody says the same thing if only i had ....but there was cigarettes and booze and all that FOOD.And now its time to pay for all of it, and pay the doctor.Well anyway, Hopeing Ole Jim gets well soon,and you get that Ear fixed.Race on today,so ole Junyahs going to set here and tie some flies and watch the race.The werthers fallish for sure, little wind here temps in the 40's.Clouds.Take care out that way. Hugs U JR

Intense Guy said...

I hope that surgery went well - and that you are feeling much, much better these days!!

Hugest hugs!!!!
