Thursday, November 17, 2011

What’s been going on in my world…

Where have I been, you ask?  Life is out of control.  But you don’t want all of the gory details, now, do you?  I didn’t think so.  Instead I’ll just leave you with a glimpse of my world this past week.
This guy showed up to spend a few days with us. Since many neighbors have horses, it took quite a few calls before we figured out where the prison break took place.  She belongs to the one neighbor we didn’t call, because she is known to not take very good care of her animals and this ol’ gal looked very well groomed.  I guess we should have known, though, because our neighbor’s fences are atrocious.  It turns out she had two rescue horses.  Had is the key word.  This one ended up in our field.  The other one she found dead.  I’m thinking she doesn’t need to be rescuing any more horses.
Beautiful brown horse with star blaze
This guy showed up too, but unlike the horse, he was invited.  It is amazing how helpful a 15 year old can be.  Thank you for all of your help, Travis.  Hopefully all the running we did with you (and driving practice!) made up for it.
Travis bagging leaves
I do believe the mums are done for this year. 
Dead mums sitting on the steps
We are getting a metal roof put on the house, thanks to hail damage this last spring and summer.  You would not have caught me on that roof with the wind whipping around like that.  Shoot, who am I kidding?  You would never get me on the roof!  Period.
Bailey never changes.  She just stays lazy, with an attitude.
My roses are going for the last hurrah of summer.  Isn’t this one beautiful?  The scent is oh so sweet.
Beautiful yellow rose with pin tips
And Whiskey keeps us entertained every night as he plays catch with his many toys.  He is so spoiled!
whiskey 11-11
I haven’t been around the blogs much lately, but that will change soon I’m sure.  It is too hard to stay away!  Have a great weekend all.


Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I am so JEALOUS, we have always wanted a metal roof. Did you go with green.
I had to look twice, I thought Travis had a tatoo on his forearm, third look, I figured out it was a bird feeder. LOL
It's been a bad week here too. Lost a uncle and the house fire in St Thomas was Bt's cousin's wife.
Good news is Jermy got a 12 pt buck!

Funny in My Mind said...

So did the neighbor get the horse back?
Did Travis conquer the leaves?
Did the mum die?
Did the cat attack you shortly after this photo?
Did anyone fall off the roof?
Did Whiskey ever wear out? You left us all hanging...
Ha ha, have a great weekend. Our Christmas parade is Saturday. Ugh.

Rita said...

Goodness! I hope she can take care of that horse! There's a long winter ahead.

Nice to have a helpful 15 year old show up. :) And the roof looks good. (You wouldn't catch me up there, either.)

That rose is stunning!!! Just lovely!

I had chihuahuas when I was a kid and have always had a soft spot for them. Whiskey looks like a dog that could make you smile all day!

Nice to see you posting!! :):)

Akum said...

The pictures are amazing. You live in such a peaceful and wonderful place...

Have a great weekend

betty said...

So sad about the horses, hoping indeed that lady doesn't do any more rescuing of them.

Wonderful grandson to help like that, good worker I do believe!!

Loved all the other pictures, Deanna; that rose is beautiful, Whiskey and Bailey do what they do best, I think, bringing enjoyment to your life!

LOL, bring on the gory details (but only if you want to share them); sorry it is a bit of a whirlwind for you!

hope the weekend is a restful one!


Pix at Under the Oaks said...

Deanna good to see you post! Sorry life has been out of control. I had that most of the summer. Our neighbor's horses like to visit. The old "the grass in greener on the other side of the fence" thing I guess. Always a little surprised when I round the bend on my heart healthy laps and find a little white mare giving me a startled snort! I hope someone takes care of that horse, you could add him to your critters :)

Nice roof! And dang, has the wind been crazy gusty or what? More wind today.

Take care Deanna!

Toriz said...

Hey, I'm a nosy cow; I always want details... Gory or otherwise! ;)

Hmmm... Yes, I'm thinking the neighbour shouldn't be rescuing horses, and hope that horse is somewhere it will get good care... Is it still with you? I know you'd look after it well, but I guess you wouldn't be able to keep it? Sounds like it was smart to run away.

Travis is a good lad coming to help you guys out; I'm sure the driving practice made up for it for him! :)

Good for Bailey; sounds like most of the cats I've ever known, LOL!

That's OK; the blogs will be here when you're free to read the posts. :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hubby would like to put a metal roof on our house, but I don't think it would look good on our house. So we're at a standstill on the subject. I admire those that know what they want and go for it. We spend too much time pondering.

I hate to hear about horses being neglected or mistreated. I hope she takes good care of this one when she gets her back. Wonder what happened to the other one?

Have a good weekend!

Steve Skinner said...

There is nothing like having someone else tend to the yard work!

Intense Guy said...

Too bad the horse doesn't eat leaves... of course with all those leaves Travis took care off - if the horse could eat them - he would have exploded!

Your Rose looks wonderful - and even if the mums look a bit sorry now - they were once pretty.

Whiskey is a fruit cake! :)

Always happy to see what's going on in your world - and now you're under a shiney new roof! cool!

AliceKay said...

There are a lot of people out there who have no idea how to take care of animals. They get them and don't even know how to feed them, let alone take care of them. The lady who "rescued" that horse should maybe let someone else do the rescuing, unless they were worse off than they are with her...then it would be a toss up. It's sad to hear about these kinds of things, but I hear (and see) a lot in the feed business.

The metal roofing we put on our addition a couple of years ago is very noisy when it rains (or hails), but it will last longer than what we had on it. I'm sure the roofing will work great on your house.

Your rose is beautiful. Can almost smell it. :)

Bailey and Whiskey looks like they're enjoying themselves. Happy little critters. :)

Thank you for your prayers for my family. Have a great weekend. *hugs*

ChicagoLady said...

I'm so glad you're getting a metal roof! It might even be material that we sold! Beautiful looking horse!