Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wild Wild West

Now this is what I call fun. I got to spend my evening at a performance by the First Grade Class of West School. It is always fun to watch kids put their hearts into trying to do good. I grinned my biggest grin for a full half hour. Most of my grandkids are downright precocious. I never know what they are going to say or do. But Dakota... well he is my reserved red head (kind of an oxymoron isn't it - reserved and red head). He just wants to do good and is scared to death of making a mistake. The smile on his face when he spotted me in the audience melted my heart. And he sang his little heart out and did all of the motions to all of the songs. All of the little kidos did. And it didn't even matter that when everyone else was kicking their right foot out, he was sticking his left foot out. I'm sure a bunch of the others were too, but I couldn't take my eyes off Dakota, so I wouldn't know. And halfway through the performance his kerchief fell off. Oh my. He just stopped and looked at us and I could see the melt down coming. So we gave him the thumbs up and motioned for him to keep singing. He picked the kerchief up and twisted it in his little hands and we made a throw away motion and he tossed it to the side and grinned. Did I mention that grandkids are great?

Ahhh grandkids are great!
Dakota standing in front of the wild west decorations
the first grade class singing a song Dakota is on the end there. I'm pretty sure he is the only one going in the right direction lol.

Dakota and Julie - both with big smiles on their faces This is my favorite picture. My daughter, Julie, and well, you know who. The smiles say it all. Julie deserves the mother of the year award. Three sons and one step son... I do not know how she does it!


LadyStyx said...

Awwwww how cute! He sounds like a real sweetie.

AliceKay said...

Great pics, Punkn. Sure sounds like you had a wonderful evening at the school show. Nice smiles in that last pic. :)

ChicagoLady said...

What a wonderful way to spend the evening! I'm sure Dakota appreciated seeing you in the audience and helping him through the "kerchief incident."

Intense Guy said...

Awesome pictures Punkn!

With a name like Dakota how could he not be the star of a wild wild west show?


Seriously - this entry put the hugest warmest smile on my face, "I'm sure he was the only one going the right way" too. :)

MarmiteToasty said...

I LOVED school shows :).....

And I know how she does it lol Ive raised 4 sons on me own...


Deanna said...

He is a cutie, isn't he... Thanks for the comments.
lol marmie and you seem so sane...

yellowdoggranny said...

beautiful daughter and terrific grandson..sigh*..i have 4 granddaughters and no green with envy..he's a great looking little cowboy.

Deanna said...

Hi Granny welcome and thank you!

Toriz said...

It's always great watching the kids do their little plays and songs. There's always a couple doing the complete opposite to everyone else, and the lot of them are adorable in their little costumes and singing their little hearts out. Performances are great with kids, because all they care about is trying their best and having fun.