Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Alike and yet so different


Deanna and Kathleen

We were born only a year and a half apart. All of our young life people mistook us as twins. Yet, we were, and still are, very different.

Kathleen has the outgoing, I don’t know a stranger, personality. I’m more the reserved, give me time, type.


I stayed in Missouri, close to where I grew up. Kathleen moved away, first to Maine (her husband was in the service) and then settled in Arizona. That was 35 or so years ago. And that has been how long it has been since we have spent more than an hour or two together, just the two of us.

That changed last week.


This is the resort where we stayed.

We discovered that we wore the same type shoes – hers were black, mine were tan.

019We also discovered that we are both very proud of our families, and talked about them to the point of craziness. Oh, and we wear the same deodorant. And use the same toothpaste. But she wears nightgowns, I wear pj’s.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered she has become a bookworm. Growing up, I was always the one getting lost in the wonder world of books. I told her she needs to check out one of my favorite authors, Maeve Binchy. We were both surprised when we returned to her house a few days later and saw a book she had picked up on a whim the previous week. You guessed it. Maeve Binchy!


Neither of us is overly fond of eating out. In 4 days we ate out only once. This was our idea of eating out.


Watching and listening to the water as we caught up on life.


On day two it was warm enough to test the heated pool and hot tub. Remember, we were in the Sedona mountains. Snow was still on many of the peaks and trails.


We were drawn to the many mountain streams.


Can there possibly be a better picnic lunch view than this?


Kathleen’s favorite hiking trail is Oak Creek Canyon.


We weren’t expecting the paths to be snow covered, though.


This swollen stream abruptly ended our eagerly anticipated many mile hike. According to my expert guide, there were many similar crossings to navigate, assuming we made it across this one without getting wet… which we wouldn’t have.

We got plenty of exercise, though, hiking up hills and rocks to catch the many breath taking views.



Chapel of the Holy Cross – Frank Lloyd Wright


One of the highlights of the trip was this chapel, co-existing with the red Sedona rocks, built by Frank Lloyd Wright, designed by one of his students, Marguerite Brunswig Staude. The experience was breathtaking.


Rather than brave the many cars coming and going from the top, we parked along the road at the bottom of the hillside and hiked up. The view just increased in beauty as we ascended the mountain.


Usually I don’t care for modern designs, but not this time. I fell in love with the peacefulness.


It was easy to get lost in prayer, even though people were all around. The view, and scents from the candles, were intoxicating.


We only wished we had thought to bring a crumpled dollar or two so we could light a candle in memory of our parents. It didn’t matter, though. We could feel them there with us.


Back down, into the town of Sedona, we visited a gallery and walked through some shops.


I took this picture for Iggy. I think there is an OCHA hiding in the spaceship. But I couldn’t get close enough to see for sure.


Some kind soul agreed to take our picture. They were right to focus on the landscape…


More Sedona photos. God was sure in a colorful mood this night.



And I will leave you with this:


A month or so ago Kathleen rescued this marvelous dog from a shelter. I fell in love with Henry. She refused to let me take him home with me. Sigh. She still doesn’t share well at all!

Oh, another way we are different. I love the world of computers. Kathleen doesn’t. Which mean, she probably won’t see this post.

But just in case she does. Love you Kathleen.


Leah said...

What a beautiful post, and what gorgeous pictures! Wow! Sedona looks breathtaking! The picture of you two as children on the top. . . The one on our left reminds me of Shirley Temple. :-D

I also have a sister who is a year and a half apart from me. I'm always amazed at how different we are, yet how many similarities we have. Odd that we can have both.

Toriz said...

I have a brother who is a little over a year older than me, and people mistook us for twins too. We're very alike in some ways, but very different in others (and I'm not just talking about the obvious ones that apply to the differences between males and females).

Intense Guy said...


Such a beautiful post! You seem to have reached an oh-so-comfortable place in your life Punkn... :) I can feel your happiness radiate from this entry.

Such a beautiful place for a resort! The red stone cliffs are spectacular and who could resist a babling creek?

...and I want to pat Henry on the head!

AliceKay said...

It looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time visiting with your sister in Arizona. The scenery out there is breathtaking. Thanks for sharing some of nature's beauty with us. :)

(i got the blue screen of death while reading this post the first time so now i'm a bit worried about this computer of mine) :(

junyah said...

I tryed leaving a comment on the last blog you wrote but it wouldn't go.I saw something in this comment place i didn't think i would ever see in here. That wasn't Nice one bit.
We are glad to see it fixxed. Great pictures and i never knew your sister had lived in Maine, learn something new everyday. HUgs and love JR

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

My younger sister and I are very close in age too and were generally mistaken as twins because Mom dressed us so much alike. Very different personalities though. She lives on the west coast, I live on the east.

I sure miss Sedona after living in Arizona for over 20 years. The Red Rocks are to die for gorgeous.

The Blue Ridge Gal

ktydid said...

Deanna, yes I do read your blog, just not all the time. Your post was great and the pictures were wonderful. I had an awesome time with you and I am glad we had that time together. Tell intense guy that he is welcome to come pat Henry any time. Henry doesn't know a stranger either, but the same applies to him, Henry stays with me.
Love you too,

betty said...

that sounds like an awesome trip Deanna; I'm glad you had a chance to spend the time with your sister in such a beautiful place!! amazingly the similarities between you and Kathleen even after all these years of not seeing each other. hoping you guys are already planning your next get away


Missouri Gal said...

I love your pics and Henry is adorable. Never been to Sedona, thank you for sharing and stopping by my blog.

Queenie Jeannie said...

What a wonderful visit you had!!! How amazing it must be to have a sister - I'm jealous!!!! Thank you for sharing all those amazing photographs!

Anonymous said...

awww you and your sister did look like twins and Im so glad you got to go spend time with her, the pictures are just absolutely beautiful thanks so much for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

I want to pat Henry on the head too!!!

ChicagoLady said...

Such beautiful scenery for a memorable visit with your sister. Sedona is on my list of places I'd like to visit one day.

Rural Rambler said...

Deanna how did I miss these last posts? This is such a sweet sister post :) How nice you got to share such a wonderful place together and talked about old memories and made some new memories! Your pictures are awesome! What a beautiful place! Henry is a sweetie.

LadyStyx said...

oh goodness... the pictures are down right lovely! Yeah, I think God was in a colorful mood too.