I hear birds singing! And we saw a robin yesterday. Is it possible that maybe a crocus or two are pushing their way to the surface. I’m betting they are. I’ll check that out later on this morning.
We watched Tess and Bill’s four kids yesterday.
Kids eat. They eat constantly.
When they got here at 9:00 I fixed pancakes and scrambled eggs with sausage. They finished eating those at 10:15.
At 11:15 Cara looked at the clock and said, “It’s lunch time!” In unison, Jim and I both said, “You just finished breakfast!” To which they all replied, “But it’s lunch time.”
So we ate turkey and cheese sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, carrot sticks and celery, and apples and peanut butter.
An hour later they were eyeing the Oreo cookie cakes. So they ate that.
An hour later it was time for peanuts and more apples.
If my memory serves me, they made it without any more food until our supper of lasagna and french bread. I know there should have been a salad thrown in there, but I forgot to buy lettuce. They’ll survive without their veggies just this once.
We bowed our heads and James said a simple prayer before each meal. He’d say, “We thank you Lord for this beautiful day and this food and grandma and grandpa and the night and the toys and Whiskey and…”
They were begging for ice cream exactly one hour after supper dishes were cleared away. I think when my cuckoo clock says “cuckoo” each hour, they hear “foodfood”.
We managed several games of Chinese Checkers, Apples to Apples, dolls, and lots of Lego building in between the food. And James had to help grandpa feed the sheep. He brought two pairs of boots along just so he could.
Yep, we have a lot to be thankful for. Each and every one of us.
My boyfriend's daughter was with us this weekend, and she's the same way. Was starving for lunch when she'd JUST had breakfast. And suddenly she "hates" everything she used to love to eat. Hates Cheerios now, and macaroni salad.
LOL@your clock...
I think mine does that too! "Food-food! Food-food!"
Looks like your little gang and a great time! :)
Oh my, it sounds like you had a pretty fun day. My kids are teens now; the youngest is my 13 year old son. Eating us out of house and home, no kidding. He is ALWAYS hungry. Oh well. I do love to keep these kids fed. :-)
Whiskey . . .oh the dog. Glad you added that part.
We had the grandkids for dinner last night. The 5 year old ask for 3 desserts after dinner. And that was after claiming before dinner he wasn't hungry.
so cute with the prayer; I had to do a double take though until I realized Whiskey was the dog :)
they do have ferocious appetites don't they? You serve up good food, though, and I'm sure it tasted good so that's why they wanted more and more and more :)
neat your grandchildren are close by so you can enjoy days like Sunday with them :)
That definitely is a lot to be thankful for and it sounds like you all had a wonderful day, I remember when I used to play dolls with girls, I miss that..and we have daffodils blooming here and my poor pansies are still a hanging on, and they are calling for snow tomorrow night, but it will only stick on the grass the roads are too warm for it to stick to them, have a great day HUGS
opps I meant playing dolls with my girls, hehe
Did I hear something about lasagna? It sounds like a big wonderful party with food! I think you are making some great memories for your grandchildren. Great post about giving thanks!
You have a beautiful family. It sounds like a fun filled day for everyone....even the cook. :)
That is the truth. I love that he wanted to pray before every meal. Isn't that just like a little kid. We can learn a lot from them. I am glad Whiskey is a dog. I was worried for a minute. ha ha ha.
this was VERY sweet. and they sound just like my 7 yr old son who has a bottomless pit as a stomach
And people wonder how they grow so fast!
LOL @ your clock!
Apples to apples? Don't think I've heard of that game.
Yay for Lego building! :)
Yep, when I have the grandkiddos here the kitchen is open 24/7 and food is inhaled. Tapeworm...???? Heeeheehe!
You have yourself one fantastically blessed day!!!
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